Past (part 1)

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Note: and here are some of my fave chapter for this fic!

I Hope you'll like them just as much as me! And I hope you're ready for the angst
Please read the second note before starting to read!

Note (from ao3):


I'm telling y'all right now, I almost cried while writing this chapter

We're jumping into the past, one thousand years ago!


When Norman opened his eyes, the first thing he noticed was that they weren't in the demon world anymore. He cheered alongside his family. It had took them two more years than they had planned, but they were finally free!

The white-haired boy stopped once he saw one of his younger sibling's worried expression.

« Phil? What's wrong? »

« Where's Emma? »

Norman's eyes widened as he looked around. The small boy was right.

The girl was nowhere.

Having heard Phil, everyone started to look for the girl. Norman collapsed on his knees, making his family panic, as too much thoughts crossed his mind.

Was she safe?

Was she in the human world with them?

Where was she?

Did she stay in the demon world so they could be in the human world?

Did she sacrificed herself for them?

Was she still alive?

Ray's hand on his shoulder made him snapped out of his thoughts.

« We'll find her. Alright? We're talking about Emma now, she would never abandoned her family. »

Norman gave him a small smile as Ray helped him getting up.

With the help of the Ratris (unfortunately), they found a shelter where they would be able to start their research. Not wanting to depend on the Ratris for the rest of his life, Norman decided to start a company with the help of Ray, Vincent and others from their family and friends.

With the money the company made, they managed to buy a manor where everyone would be able to live together.

Since the moment they started the research, Norman never took a single break. Even under the protest of his family, he never stopped. Not even the exhaustion, or the hunger, or the seizure from his illness, would put a stop to him.

Even Ray wasn't able to make him take a break.


Every morning was a nightmare for him.

Every morning, he would not wake up in his bedroom in the manor.

But in Lambda.

He would start to hyperventilate as he could feel tears in the corner of his eyes, threatening to escape. During those time, his body always refused to move a single muscle. Like he was paralyzed. Everytime he would come back to reality when someone would enter or knock on his door.

It would always be either Ray, Anna, Gilda, Don or Vincent, sometime Oliver too. It would always be for the same reason.

His pills.

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