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Note (from ao3): I am SO sorry about not posting for so long!!!

I've been struggling with writers block lately for all of my fics

Plus I'm working on to many stuffs at the same time and I don't have too much time to write either because of work

So, please enjoy this new chapter!

Since there was no one anymore to take care of Yuugo's bakery, the small shop was about to be sale.

Emma didn't want to see it in the hand of someone else, but she couldn't buy it back herself since she didn't had the money for it. She had practically grew up in that bakery, so the idea to lose something this important to her was making her even more heartbroken.

Norman never liked to see her sad. He knew Emma wasn't the type of person to be down like that. So you knew it was something big when she was like that.

After having thought of every solutions possible, he ended up settling with one in particular.

School had just ended for everyone. To celebrate the end of school, Norman wanted to show emma something. He had only told her that it was something special for him, and for her.

« Close your eyes, we're almost there. I'll help you walk to the place. »

« Okay. But, I recognize that place you know. We're a few streets away from... my father's bakery. »

Emma couldn't see him, but Norman gave her a smile as he took her hand to bring her where he wanted. When they were close, he put his hand in front of her eyes and suddenly stopped. He took off his hand but she kept her eyes closed, not knowing if she could opened them or not. She heard him chuckle.

« You can open your eyes Emma. »

She opened them. She frowned once she saw her father's bakery. Her eyes widened when they landed on the sign in the front of the shop.

« What? "Sold"?! What does that mean?! »

She turned to look at him with a worried expression. Norman was still smiling as he made his way toward the entrance. He turned to her, signaling her to come. Emma wasn't entirely sure of what he wanted to show her and why he had brought her here, but she still came. He let her enter first before following her, closing the door behind them.

« Can we be here in the first place? »

« Of course! After all, » she turned around to look at him and his smile could only increase at her confused look. « This bakery is ours now. »

Her eyes widened. She even felt her eyes getting watery.

« You... you mean... you bought my father's bakery?! B-but- How? »

Norman let out a giggle.

« My father was a famous CEO. I only had to use my knowledge and capacity to negotiate. By the way, all the documents are with your name, mine too. So you are the rightful owner of Goldy Pond's bakery! I, technically, am too but, it's all yours. »

Her eyes widened even more as she crashed him in a hug.

« Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! »

The snowy boy hugged her back, feeling her grip tightening.

« No problem! I'll be there to help you with it. »

Emma was almost jumping in place at how happy she felt. In her joy, she kissed Norman on the cheek before leaving to go behind the counter, not noticing how she had left him in a blushing mess.

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