Chapter 36

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Riddhima was looking here and there. It was quite a cherish type pub. The dance floor was open and some was already dancing. She smiled looking at those happily couples. They look so adorable for her. While, scanning her eyes fell on a particular person who was seating alone at the corner with few guards standing beside him. He was sipping his drinks lonely without any companies which was none other than her husband Vansh Raisinghania..

She hurriedly turns her eyes avoiding him. She didn't want to have any encounter with him at least not here in front of  Sejal  who she lied about her husband whereabouts.

Sejal walked towards Riddhima holding a glass of juice and beer in her hand. A beautiful smile adored on her face.

Sejal: "So how is your life Riddhima..?"

Riddhima: "Good.." She replied shortly. There were again pin drop silences between them. Their eyes were probably looking at the dance floor. Riddhima slowly looked a side to see her husband. He was still drinking and until now he hasn't realize that they are in a same pub.

Sejal: "How is your brother..? Still single..??" Riddhima raised her one brow.

Riddhima: "Why..? Does it have anything to do with you..?"

Sejal (Trying to be comfortable): "No No No.. I was just asking.."

Riddhima: "Relax Sejal.. I didn't say anything yet so stop being nervous. Yeah.. He is still single.." Sejal smile broadly only to make Riddhima too smile on her bestie, who has crush on her brother.

Both the ladies were enjoying their drinks. Riddhima totally forgot that her husband is also here around her. She was really having a lot of fun with Sejal after such a long time. It reminds her of her old days. However, they didn't notice there is a pair of eyes looking at them. His eyes were glued on his wife. Not to say he was shocked nor he was surprised. He knew she was here. He had been told by Angre..

One hour passed, Riddhima and Sejal were still in talking term. Their chats weren't coming to end. That's when Sejal's mobile rang in between interrupting their talks.

She hurriedly answers her call as it was damn annoying. After, talking for some couple of minutes she finally cut the called with little frustrated..

Riddhima: "What happen..??"

Sejal: "I need to go now.. I just get a call from my head office that our China's clients wanted to see the portfolio of the designs before the meeting tomorrow. All my stuff and laptop is in my hotel room so I have to leave now.." Riddhima didn't argue much and let her go as her works revolves her professionalism.

They bid bye to each other hugging tightly surpassing the love of their beautiful friendship that they share for years.

Riddhima was again back in the Pub. She wanted to spend some time more here. She wasn't in a mood to return home as there is nothing that she can do all alone in the big Mansion. She was sipping her drinks with her eyes scanning through the pub. She tried to look at her husband from the corner of her eyes but yet again she failed as she thought he didn't knew anything yet.

The pub was now occupied with the crowded. Some of them don't even have place to seat and some were standing near the bar counter. Riddhima was still lost in her own world till she didn't notice three random guys came and seat besides her sharing the same table.

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