Chapter 25

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So today is my birthday, can I get some wishes😊

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Riddhima's room 11pm

She was just out from the bathroom after getting fresh before she went to sleep.. But seeing the image in front of her she roared in frustrated..

Riddhima: "What are you doing..??" He smiled broadly..

Vansh: "I'm here for something big.. Sweetheart.." She throw her towel on him which already settle on the bed..

Riddhima: "Just get out from my room.." She barked.. But he was hell-bend to be here..

Vansh: "This is my house.. This room is mine too and the lady standing in front of my eyes is Indeed mine too.. So its my right to be in this room.. No one can take from me.. Not even you.." He winked..

Riddhima: "Whenever you used the word wife I just feel disgusted.. You are the first man in this earth who tried to sell his wife just to scare her.. Wow.. You are a brilliant husband.. Vansh Raisinghania.. Good work keep it up.." That was height for him.. He clenched his fist trying to control his nerves.. He knew this might happen.. She will always taunt him for his deeds and he have to accept it as he was wrong..

Vansh: "You very well knew how to provoke my anger.. But today it won't work.." She frown her brows seeing him not putting any attention on her words..

Riddhima: "Vansh I don't knew what you wants from me nor I'm interested to know.. Just leave me alone as I'm already sleepy.." She tried to maintain some coolness in her voice rather than roaring at him.. She needs some space to divert her mind..

Vansh: "Not so soon Sweetheart .. The night still young.." He smirked.. She open the wardrobe and took out the gun.. She pointed in to him as she going to shoot him right here..

His eye widen seeing the revolver in her hand.. He didn't knew she was keeping it with her.. But more than that he was amazed.. She really one piece.. He can never find someone like her.. (takkar ki life partner) . Only she can mend him and only she can rule his heart.. He wanted to give her what every girl wish from him but he couldn't as his heart was already occupied for her before.. He was just using hookers on bed to get rid of her but it was impossible for him..

She was always there in his heart.. That's made him more cruel on bed and he always torture his bedmates as he couldn't let himself fell for a girl.. He don't even trust in a name of love a marriage not till he meet her at US with his secret identity..  But later after knowing the terrible fact that she is also an Singhania.. He started to plan a revenge for her.. Just to destroy her but he wasn't aware he was destroyed by bring her in his life.. She started to rule his heart and yet again he couldn't accept it.. He tried to harm her several time but that was height when he bite her had an oral sex with her where he first time touched her there roughly making her cried in pain.. He was damn frustrated seeing her in pain just because of him.. He make her believe he will changed but he couldn't as her tear was making him realize how bad he is.. And he again end up spending another night with some hookers.. Just to take out all his anger on something which wasn't in mistake.. But that was the last time he slept with someone else.. He couldn't betrayed his heart anymore.. He knew what his heart want and that is she..

Riddhima: "Is better you walked out from my room before I pull this trigger.." She was determine..

Vansh: "Then shoot.. I'm waiting to die in my wife's hand.." She was lost of words.. This man was seriously making her angry.. She thought..

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