Chapter 22

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Vansh lifted Riddhima in his room and make her seat on the bed.. He shouts for his maids and instruct them to bring water and first kit box.. Which they obey without messing with him..

Riddhima: "I'm fine Vansh.. You dont have to worry.." She assured him..

Vansh: "How can you say you are fine?? Just look at the bruise.." He pointed to her hands and her cheeks where a finger printed marks was there.. "Damn them to touch you" with gritted teeth..

Riddhima: "Vansh.. What did you did to Rana??" He look at her.. He didnt want to tell her how cruelly he killed him and more than that they can never find his body anymore.. There were no proper funeral for Rana..

Vansh: "You dont have to know that Riddhima.. He receive the most deserved punishment by touching you and it is a warning to all the underworld mafia who are trying to plot any plan to harm you and it was for Prithvi Dev too.." with stern voice.. She was quiet for a second when she heard him taking her grandfather name..

Riddhima: "I wanted to meet my brother.." He eyed her for asking this..

Vansh: "NO.." She frown her brow not understanding why he was denying..??

Riddhima: "Reason..??"

Vansh: "He was responsible for this incident today.. If he take a good care of you then all this wont happen.." His anger was developing in him..

Riddhima: "If my brother is wrong then you too equally involved.." their eyes meet.. "If you didnt created the play I wont be admitted and I wont be living with my brother instead then you.." She snapped out.. "Then this day wont come and Rana would never get a chance to kidnap me.." He gulped down her words and walked towards the exits leaving her alone in the room..

After few minutes she saw his brother walking in the room.. She was little surprised seeing him here.. As she knew her husband wasnt allowing her to meet him.. Then what happen now in sudden..??

Vyom : "Vansh.. Told me that you wanted to meet me..??" He tried to clear her confusion.. He seat on the bed and they start to talk and built a new conversation among them.. She always loves to spend time with her brother.. She believes she have a loving an sensible brother who loves her a lot..


After two hours, She has her bath and rest in her rooms.. She was a bit tired but after sleeping she feel more fresh then before.. She come out from her room and was about to march towards downstairs thats when her eyes caught him.. His rooms door wasnt fully closed and she can see what he was trying to do.. She purposely didnt knock and didnt want him to notice her presence..

But he was Vansh Raisinghania and he turn the moment he feel someone behind him.. He give her a side way glance and continuing doing his interrupted works..

Riddhima: "You want help..??" She saw him struggling in applying medicine on his back..

Vansh: "I can do.." He denied.. But she was Mrs. Riddhima Vansh Raisinghania and she wont leave him alone not until she bandage him..

She walked to him and roughly pulled the cotton from his fingers.. She hold his hand and make him seat on the bed while she seat behind him facing his back.. He didnt protest when she was showing determination to dress his wounds..

Riddhima: "Dont think too much.. I'm dressing your wounds because I was the reason you get injured nothing else.. Dont start to think something else.." He smiled.. She was still the same Riddhima who are stubborn and has a sharp tongue to provoke anyones anger..

Mafia Desiresजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें