Chapter 22

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Why? Why is he here?

He can't be here!

He can't be!

You were running. People stared at you, wondering if there was some danger or if you were an escaped criminal. 


I can't teleport here.

And he can't know where I live. 

I won't let him. 

You knew he was chasing after you. You could feel his presence behind you. Unrelenting, unwilling to let you slip away again. 

As you turned a corner, your eye met. 

I'm sorry. 

He disappeared from your line of sight, and you from his. You ducked into an alleyway and watched as he ran by. 

I'm sorry. 

I'm sorry. 

I'm sorry. 

I'm sorry about the pain still creeping into your eyes. 

I'm sorry about the hopelessness and guilt you must be feeling. 

I'm sorry that I left. 

I'm sorry that I'm running away. 

I'm sorry that I don't have the strength to face you. 

I'm sorry that I'm causing you so much pain. 

I'm sorry for everything. 

And thank you. 

Thank you for chasing after me. 

Thank you for feeding that spark of hope that's now a flame. 

Thank you for being my light in my darkest moments. 

Thank you for everything. 

Thank you, and I'm sorry... Diluc.

You didn't bother to wipe away the tears that were sliding down your face. Closing your eyes, you leaned against the wall. 

Scara found you in that position a while later. 

"Y/N. Are you alright?" 

"Take me home Scara." The exhaustion and shock were still present, but they were numbed enough for you to function. 


Diluc POV

I finally stopped to rest after realizing I lost her.


I lost you a long time ago, didn't I? Y/N.

I'm sorry. 

I'm sorry for doing that to you so long ago. 

I'm sorry for not explaining. 

I'm sorry for hurting you. 

I'm sorry for being one of the reasons you're so tired. 

I'm sorry for giving up hope. 

I'm sorry for everything I have done to you. 

And thank you. 

Thank you for being alive. 

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