Chapter 16

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Diluc POV

It's dark.

Is anyone there?


There's light over there in this pitch-black darkness. 

A person?

I need to warn them 

Warn them-

Of what? 

I still need to-

Why isn't my voice working?

I can't talk.

The person turned around, supposedly in response to that soundless cry. But, here eyes didn't see me. They stared straight past me into the darkness. 

Those (e/c) eyes. (h/c) hair. An (f/c) outfit that fades into the light around her. And a scar. An elaborate scar on her left arm. 

She seems... oddly familiar. 

The scar on the girl's left arm began to glow. It grew brighter and brighter until it shifted to flame. 

The flame somehow leaped off her arm into the air, circling above our heads. It morphed into a Pheonix. 

When I glanced back at the girl, the scar had disappeared. And she was staring straight at me. Staring at me as she seemed to get younger. About 18. And her outfit changed. Into something I faintly recognize. 

I clutched at my chest as some emotion threatened to take over. 


And guilt?

The Pheonix was still circling when it suddenly dived for the girl's chest. 

Before I could call out a warning, she threw her arms wide and embraced the fire crashing into her. 

The flame enveloped her, and somehow, I knew that it was burning away some parts of her soul as well. Now, the fire had completely concealed her except for her upper body. 

"Thank you. Thank you Diluc, for not missing this time." The voice is sweet, but chillingly, I felt like I had heard it before. 

"I'm sorry." That's all I managed to get out. An apology. "I'm sorry."

What am I even sorry for? 

Soon enough, the girl completely disappeared until some snow appeared and snuffed the fire out, leaving me in darkness once more. 

I bolted upright. Raising a hand to my face, I wiped away the tears. 

"Why am I crying? Is it because I was forced to relive that moment?" 

Clearing my head, I went to work. Hours passed with me trying not to think about my dream. I was mostly successful. 

On the way home, I saw Stormterror land in front of the tree at windrise. I immediately headed there. 

A few moments after I got there, the Knights arrived and surrounded the dragon. I saw worried and confused faces. Another few moments later, Jean and Kaeya appeared. 

"Knights! Disperse! Me and Kaeya will handle this." The knights left, some of them muttering under their breaths. 

After the Knights left, Venti floated down. Completely ignoring us, he went to talk to the dragon. 

"Divalin, what brings you here?" 

"I was ordered to deliver a message." 

"Who ordered you? You were freed from your servitude not long ago." 

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