Chapter 2

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"Ugh. I hate paperwork. I thought I wouldn't have to do this after being promoted." You groaned while leaning back in your chair. 

"You've said that hundreds of times now. It'd be better to get it over with." Signora rolled her eyes while leaning against the doorframe. 

"Looking at this pile of work I have to do makes me even more demoralized. Half of the reason I became a Harbinger was so I didn't have to deal with this!" 

"Yeah yeah, I get it." 

You had become the closest to Signora out of the other eleven harbingers. The two of you had formed some kind of bond after she taught you to use a delusion. Though, that didn't mean you would hesitate to kill her if the Tsaritsa ever gave the order. 

"What are you standing there for? Come help me!" 

"I'm going to Monstdat." 

"I see." 


Signora's hometown. 

And also... yours.

"You're coming with me."

"What?! Was that a direct order?" 

"No. She... implied it." 

"So basically it was. Why me though?" 

"You haven't been on a mission for a while." 

"But this is an important one! Why trust the weakest harbinger with it?" 

"It's been two years since you've joined the ranks of the Harbingers. You've proved yourself worthy of her trust."


"She probably also wants to know whether you're still loyal to Monstadt. But who knows what's going on in Her Majesty's head except for her majesty herself?" 

"I've never been loyal to that place since four years ago. And she knows that." 

"Let's go. We have a gnosis to steal." 

"Fine, I'll do anything if it gets me away from this paperwork." 

A few days later at Angel's Share: 

"So you're saying it was two Harbingers?" A red haired bartender was having a conversation with a blonde traveler and a flying pixie.

"Yeah! They were mega ultra powerful! One of the was blonde and other other one was (h/c). The blonde one used cryo and the other one used hydro." (Paimon)

"I see. Any other defining qualities?" (Diluc)

"Well... the (h/c) one was wearing a glove on her left hand. It reached over her elbow. It was only the left hand too. But Paimon saw a glimpse of a scar on it. It looked like a burn scar." (Paimon)

"Tell me more about the (h/c) one with the scar." The bartender looked lost in thought. 

"She had (e/c) eyes." (Aether)

"Alright. I'll try to find out more through my informats. I'll call you if any useful information pops up." 

The two left and the bartender was left leaning on the counter. 

"Is it really her?" 

"Diluc! Hey Diluc! Over here!" 

"I'm coming!"

"Where's Kaeya?" 

"He'll be here soon." 

"Well, he better hurry up! I'm getting impatient." 

"You always are." 

"Hehe. I guess so." 

"No. It's no use dwelling on old memories." 

At the same moment:

"You have retrieved the Anemo gnosis from that old bard?" (Tsaritsa) 

"Yes your majesty." (Signora) 

"Was there any... complications?" 

"There was this... blonde traveler. Not strong enough to match any of us for now, but if left alone... he may become a big threat to our cause." (You) 

"I see. Very well. You may be dismissed Signora." (Tsaritsa) 

What? What about me?

"And Helia... you go back to Monstadt." You opened your mouth to protest then quickly shut it. 

"No objections? Good." 

You walked back o your office and sighed. 

"Well, I guess it's better than doing paperwork all day, but... does it really have to be that place? Being there just stirs up old memories." 

You slowly gathered your things. 

Days later, you were at monstadt. 

After setting everything up in your new office, you flopped down on your chair. 

"Now... what do I have to do? I didn't even get notified on what my duties here-"

Two cicins carrying letters flew in through the window. You tore open the first envelope. Reading it over, you reviewed the plans the Tsaritsa had for Monstadt. After finishing that, you turned to the second letter. 

This one was short, and straight to the point. 

Lady Helia! We are under attack. We have important documents in hand that cannot fall into the hands of the Knights. Please send backup or come yourself. 

"Ugh. I guess I have to go. Theres no backup right now." You sighed and walked out of the room. 

When you arrived, you saw three fatui surrounding a fourth member who was holding a folder. And they were surrounded by...

"Well this is gonna be a headache." You walked up to the group. The fatui handed you the documents then scattered. 

Why didn't they just tell one person to run? These were classified! If they fell into the wrong hands... Do these guys not have any braincells?

"It's you again!" the pixie screeched. 

"Hello. What was your name again?" 

"You don't need to know!" (Paimon.) 

"I see. I don't think I've had the pleasure of meeting your companion." You studied the person next to them. 

Red hair and eyes. 

Back clothes. 

Pyro vision. 

"If your a fatui... You should know who I am." 

"Of course I do Master Diluc. Since I'm currently stantioned here in Monstadt... I guess I'll be seeing you often. But please, don't attack poor fatui diplomats with classified documents. It's such a hassle and I'd hate for relations to sour between monstadt and the fatui." 

"You're the one who stole Venti's gnosis."(Aether)

"I was stationed here. I didn't have a choice." You picked at your nails. "Well, see you around." 

Twisting around, you headed back to your office. 

"I hate paperwork." 

"Why don't you just hire a secretary?" (Random fatui) 

"They're all incompetent. They're so inefficient." (You)

A/N: Well, things are progressing fast...

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