Update: BEEG OOF

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yeah yeah yeah I'm a fckin liar "every one-two weeks my fat ass" go ahead and get it out (seriously, I deserve reprimands for taking this long right after making that promise, feel free to roast the sh1t outta me in the comments)

I can explain
1. I have also been working on an unrelated media project on the side

2. You know how I said I've had this story planned out from the very beginning? Well, recently I had a massive big brain moment regarding the story's antagonist and the plot further down the line. I'm obviously not gonna explain it now because doing so would require me to spoil some things that are supposed to be major twists later. When we get there, I'll let you know what was originally supposed to be. It's in big regards to star wars legends lore and a fascinating concept and storyline that I've recently discovered and decided to integrate into this fanfiction, that's all I'll say.

Since I've decided to alter the plan, I've had to sit down and think a bit how to not derail this story and keep going smooth, properly integrate it into the plot without messing up the plan, keep it consistent. In fact, there's a few parts in the earlier chapters that are susceptible to some slight retconning, I don't know yet. you understand.

3. I need some motivation again but still roast me, that motivates me when I know I deserve it

The new chapter's almost finished, I've had to make a few revisions to fit this slightly new narrative, HOPEFULLY I can get it out before the weekend

Peace ✌️

Star Wars: Advent of The Hellwalker (Ahsoka x M! Reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora