Chapter IV - The UAC Has Come

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(Present day, Republic frigate, Ahsoka's point of view)

I watched as Dr. Hayden was in the grand convocation chamber of the Senate Rotunda. He stood on a repulsorpod that hovered under the shadow of High Chancellor Sheeve Palpatine's central podium. Palpatine looked down at him from his spot along with the other Senators surrounding them. There were thousands of individuals lining the walls reaching high above them for miles in the room. Every member of the Galactic Senate was present at this meeting to see Dr Hayden speak on behalf of actions after having been missing ever since the attack on Kamino. Most believed he had perished in the crisis, but were proven wrong after security footage was discovered that showed he had survived and collaborated with the Doom Slayer to end the invasion. And just days ago, he reported himself alive and well on one of the UAC's bases on Bonadan. Immediately after he made his presence known, he was ordered to travel to Coruscant and report on the incident, in reality, he was called to defend himself and his research which had led to millions dead, and try to save himself from a painfully hard sentence, if he could.

Senator Halle Burtoni spoke up, "Twelve million... dead. Two thousand more in critical condition." There were a few gasps and murmurs among the senators after hearing this, before Halle continued with the report from Kamino. "Four Kaminoan facilities lie deep beneath the waters in ruins. Thirteen more rendered inoperative. Five more, operational but heavily damaged and strewn with signs of destruction and carnage. Two cloning facilities, unaffiliated with the Union Aerospace Corporation, destroyed."

Doctor Samuel Hayden kept his head faced at the Senator before Chancellor Palpatine spoke. "Estimated cost for damages?"

Senator Bael Organa spoke up. "We are.. looking at numbers in the eight figures... that is, only regarding the facilities that are still standing and in need of repair."

"Indeed. We have yet to take into account facilities that need to be completely replaced." Senator Burtoni said. The Kaminoan Senator glared at Dr Hayden from her pod.

"Anything else we should know?" Palpatine asked.

Senator Padme Amidala spoke up, "There is one thing. The Republic has already made progress in its investigation of the devastated sites. Their findings revealed that the UAC had the creatures in captivity, prior to the invasion. Logs were discovered that described experiments and observations on the creatures, most noticeably of all, were the augmentations of the creatures with state of the art weaponry." The rest of the room began speaking amongst each other from these news


"How could he?"


"He's responsible for the catastrophe!"

"The one on Kashyyyk too!"

"He can't be trusted!"

"All his fault!"

"Why would you do that?"

"A traitor!"

"was planning a rebellion!"

"Arrest him!"

"Order in the court!" Palpatine's advisor, Mas Amedda yelled out, causing everyone to slowly fall silent with themselves. "Order!"

Palpatine brought his palm up to his forehead and sighed before addressing everyone, "So many Republic lives lost, so many Republic credits costed, so much terror suffered. So much scientific promise, promises that have severely backfired." Palpatine looked straight at Hayden. "And what was gained? For all the losses? What came out of your science? Argent energy is in low supply for the galaxy." Samuel remained unmoving, not daring to break his inhuman composure. Palpatine leaned down towards him slightly. "You were tasked with researching for the purpose of safety, for us being prepared in case they ever came back, instead you brought them right to our doorstep again Doctor. The precious Argent energy that you so generously provide for us, has now been depleted. Your organization is in shambles, and you face charges of mutiny against the Republic. What more could you possibly have to offer us, besides more potential danger?"

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