Chapter XVIII - Scipio

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Kept you waiting huh? Ah shoot that's not even a star wars or doom reference. Ooh, I know, how about another flashback plotline (this one's gonna be way quicker and more straightforward (I'm aiming to make it only appear over three chapters) and as a bonus, there'll be another opportunity for y'all to have an input on the story, I won't say how but it will be hopefully in the next chapter so stay tuned).

(A few years ago, Fall of Falleen, Falleen Throne city outskirts, your point of view)

The blindfold kept me trapped in the pitch black as I sat stationary in one of the vast forests of Falleen. I drew in a few deep breaths to calm my heart which was beating with anticipation, while at the same time, drawing in the force to heighten my senses. My hands were tied behind my back and had been for the last half hour or so that I was left here, choosing to use my time to meditate. The calls of wild insects and birds in the trees along with the wind fluttering the leaves and grass around me had left me in enough tranquility to clear my head, so much so that after a while I had to force (no pun intended) myself to stay awake.

But then I felt it.

It's him... He's coming back for me... Closer... Behind me? No... No, on top-

The sound of an igniting lightsaber and its hum through the air as its wielder came down on my position kicked me into overdrive, I immediately rolled to the side and heard the blade strike the grass I had been sitting in. I focused on the figure, deafening my other physical senses in my focus and only concentrating on the flow of the force, which allowed me to detect him raising the lightsaber and steadily swipe up towards my face, which I dodged by leaning back out of the way and letting the lightsaber slide over my face just inches from touching me.

He then tried going for a stab at my core, but I used this opportunity to lean forward and stick my hands out high. He took the bait, his lightsaber slid right between my wrists and cut my hands free. Now fully mobile, I spread my stance properly and rolled to the side when he aimed the lightsaber at my head for a slice down. When he suddenly grabbed my shoulder with his large clawed hand to keep me still for a stab, I went for it and grabbed his lightsaber as he thrust it towards me, and using the weight of his own thrust, brought his arm to slide out from my side and over my shoulder as I spun around, and then stopped. We both stayed stationary, with his hand having slipped off my shoulder. and me holding his wrist, holding his lightsaber at his face.

"You've improved a lot," He said in his deep voice.

I removed my blindfold and smiled at Master Plo's compliment, before letting go of his arm.

"If only that fool Cato could see me now," I said proudly as Master Plo took his lightsaber back and then pulled my out my own lightsabers from his belt, which he handed to me.

"Now, now, I'm not about to let you get cocky," Master Plo said, "This was a only minor exercise, you're ready to face a platoon of droids, but you should be wary of trained killers."

"I know, I know," I said, putting my lightsabers back on my belt, "One step at a time. I was just kidding anyway." Master Plo took a good look at me.

"How does the mark feel today?" he asked. I placed my hand over my scar from the tango with Ventress.

"I don't feel anything, I think it's fully healed now," I said.

"Impossible," Master Plo said, "They never fully heal. Are you sure you don't feel anything?"

"Yeah... nothing," I said.

"Try rubbing it," Master Plo said. I did as he asked against the rough line of skin along my brow and nose, it didn't hurt, but I still didn't like focusing on it.

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