Chapter II - Corudescent

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(Hell barge, Coruscant, your point of view)

I exited the portal to appear in a small room. Gothic architecture dominated every surface, every object. Cages sat on the floor with husks of decomposing humans, behind me was a large furnace with a roaring fire, and every single object was adorned with skulls, rust, drops of blood, deadly spikes, and other gothic features; the aesthetic of the entire place just screamed "death" and "misery". The room ended with a door on the other end which was decorated with a demonic skull adorned with glowing red eyes, and between it and myself, a few lowly possessed citizens wandered in the room. They stumbled as the titan carrying us struggled to walk under all the weight. The demons noticed me and crept toward my direction, I responded with buckshot to the face, splattering their weak torsos onto the wall. The door opened up after its eyes changed to green in color, revealing a few more possessed at a staircase, the shaking of the hell barge had caused them to stumble and fall onto the floor and the walls, making them dazed. I approached the first zombie on the floor, he attempted to swipe at me but I grabbed his arm, tore it off, and bashed his head in with it.

The other ones didn't put up much of a fight, their slower brains suddenly clicked and realized who I was, evident by their attempts to run away down the stairs. I caught up to one of them and slammed my foot onto its leg, breaking it and causing him to fall, but I held its head in my hands and twisted its neck, killing it. The other one made it down the steps to a room with cages full of hundreds of humans cramped up and either becoming possessed or prepared for dark blood rituals. Nilox had been busy.

The zombie that was running away stumbled onto a barrel, and in front of it I saw what I had reminded myself to look for: My chainsaw. The demonic bastards stole it from me along with my super shotgun during my time in hell before I had escaped with my ship a few days ago. Figures Nilox would be keeping it as an idol. The stupid zombie grabbed onto the chainsaw and struggled to hoist it up, pathetic. I approached the demon and clutched his hand that was gripping the handle. The demon shook in terror before I pulled my hand back, holding the chainsaw, along with the demon's severed hand that I hadn't let go of. The demon fell to the ground holding its bleeding arm stump and watched as I dropped his hand onto the floor and yanked the starter, bringing power to the chainsaw as it roared to life.

Let me show you worthless husk how to use it.

I glared at the demon who was trembling uncontrollably. And then I shoved the chainsaw into its side with a swipe. The zombie yelped in pain before it was sliced in half. Its divided corpse fell to the ground and a large puddle of blood poured out, as well as ammo.

Ah, much better.

The receptors on my suit absorbed the energy from the demon thanks to the chainsaw. Although it appeared to be a simple, even rather primitive object, the chainsaw had been modified earlier with the receptor technology from my gifted Praetor suit, allowing it to convert the potential argent energy from decimated foes into physical ammunition for my selected arsenal instead of health. The HUD in my helmet reported that my ammunition reserves were nearly full. I continued onward, jumping over one of the cages and into a short hallway occupied by four more possessed, there was a door on the other end with a crack in it. The zombies staggered towards me, until I stuck the one up front with an explosive shot from my shotgun. The force of the impact caused the demon to fall back onto the others. Before it could get pack up, the explosive went off, destroying all of them and splattering their insides on the walls.

I ran across the blood-stained floor towards the door and barreled through it. On the other side was a large collection of more possessed bystanders, as well as zombified possessed soldiers. Some of the soldiers wore standard UAC armor, others wore the white trooper armor of the local military. The armor fused with their bodies, causing their rifles to become a permanent part of them, replacing their hand. Their flesh and armor melded together, a large slit grew over their helmets, becoming their mouths. Imps were there too. Having no enemies to feast on, they all decided to take their aggression out on each other.

Star Wars: Advent of The Hellwalker (Ahsoka x M! Reader)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang