Chapter XVI - Mechanical Gore

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(A little while later, Invisible Hand, Your point of View)

I balled my left hand into a fist, let the excess argent energy in my reserves seep into my gauntlet and cause my receptors to surge with volts of power, before slamming my fist into the doors, breaking them off their hinges with a blood punch.

"AAAGHHH!!" A B1 ducked in time to avoid getting pummeled by the blast shields, which slammed into some of the demons in the room, flattening a few imps and possessed and knocking a carcass to the floor, leaving him dazed. The doors slammed into the elevators on the other side of the room and then fell flat on the floor. The B1 turned to me.

"IT WAS UNLOCKED YOU IDIO-!" The B1 shouted in his high-pitched voice before being ruthlessly silenced by a baron stomping forward, flattening the machine with the demon's hoof. The baron stretched its arms out and roared at me furiously, shaking the room.

The baron ran at me with the other demons following close behind. I was only focused on the baron for the time being, which threw its arm into the ground and attempted to impale me with its blade, but I jumped up, letting its fiery blade and fist pierce the floor while I landed on its arm and ran up to its head to give it a faceful of buckshot from my super shotgun. The baron wasn't knocked back much, but a few chunks of flesh were blown off from the right side of its head, revealing its fiery skull underneath. The baron tried to swing at me on its shoulder with its left hand, but I jumped up again, quickly reloaded in the air, dashed over to the left side of its head, and landed another super shotgun shot on that side of its face. This time the baron stumbled back a bit.

I jumped up before the baron could swing again, grabbed the side of the wall, and launched a grenade from my shoulder launcher which exploded into clusters at the baron's feet, taking all but six imps, two prowlers, one pinky, and one carcass with them. The baron's legs cracked and it roared out in pain as it fell on its hands and knees, having been crippled by the grenade. The pinky squealed and rushed in my direction, slamming its head into the wall underneath me and causing said wall to shake. I kept my grip on the wall and looked down at the pinky, which looked up at me while snarling and attempting to claw its way up to me but to no avail because of its disadvantaged form before it started slamming its head into the wall again frustratingly. I held tight and launched an ice bomb straight down from my shoulder cannon, freezing the pinky in its spot. With the pinky covered in ice, I jumped off the wall and landed hard right on the pinky's back, shattering its entire body into thick freezing shards.

The imps ran over to me, with two of them jumping at me first on approach with their claws burning and ready to slice. I grabbed them both out of the air by their necks and while they clawed at my gauntlet, I smashed their faces into each other, obliterating their skulls into bloody messes before throwing their bodies at the other four imps. Only one of them in the back failed to dodge the bodies, and he tumbled to the ground where he lay dazed and tired.

I dashed forward, sliding along the ground with my fist held back to blood punch the other imps, only to slam right into the sudden shield of the carcass who let out an echoey and monstrous giggle that made his lumpy face jiggle in his spot behind the baron. I heard growling behind me and caught the rapid flash of a prowler blinking its way over to me. It teleported next to me in the air and held its claws out as it flew toward me, only to receive a double shotgun surprise to the chest which sent it flying with a bloody trail to the other side of the room and crashing into the wall, where it lay still as its bludgeoned chest bled out. My sixth sense went off and I turned around, to be met with the claws of the last prowler coming at me and only inches from my visor before my wolf appeared out of the air and grabbed the prowler's neck in his jaws, tackling the demon to the ground and proceeding to viciously tear at its throat, growling ferociously over the prowler's weak squeals and vein attempts to push the wolf off of him.

Star Wars: Advent of The Hellwalker (Ahsoka x M! Reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora