Chapter XIV - Enemy of Our Enemy

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(A few years ago, Jedi Temple, your point of view)

"Scream, and I'll detonate the bombs lined along the entire west wing of the temple." My double said with a shaky voice. He looked at me with wide-open eyes which appeared to tremble slightly, and his breath rate was clearly unhinged.

Same here on all fronts. I stared at... ME, with a hanging jaw. The resemblance was just about perfect. Whoever this is... I've never seen anything like this. The face, the body build, the height, the robes, even Sinker's armor. Heck, even the voice was pitch-perfect. I felt a bit uneasy, looking at an exact double of myself staring back at me threateningly made me feel a knot in my stomach. There was an awkwardness to it, but a very terrifying dread too, especially with him pointing my lightsaber at me from above the stairs. It was incredibly uncanny, like I was in a dream. But nope, that pain I felt from hitting my head against the wall just now was very much real.

"Who are you?!" I exclaimed, quietly, "What are you doing here, and why??"

"You just can't for the sake of everyone mind your own kriffing business." He said.

"'Scuse me... ME. Now I've been told by several higher-ups in my time that I'm always drifting out of my own area of expertise, and I need to learn to stay on the ground. And I admit, I have a bit of nausea from whatever the heck you put in my mouth, and my head hurts like hell from the pounding you refuse to let up against it today, yet despite all that, call me crazy, I can't help but think IT IS SO CERTAINLY TO A DEGREE, MY FRIGGIN BUSINESS!"

"Shut your stupid trap!" He exclaimed and pointed the lightsaber at me, "Or the entire west wing, gone." He reached his left hand into his back pocket. I quickly inched into a combat stance, ready for him to take out a weapon.

As soon as he brought his hand out, I reached my own hand forward and wrapped the grip of the force around his fingers, and tore the object he was holding out.

"Hey- What the?!" My double said, stunned. He was yanked forward a bit by my force tug. The device he pulled out was yanked out of his grip and I caught it in my hand.

"Think fast, idiot." I said with a smug grin. I looked down on what I had in my hand and gasped. It wasn't a weapon. It was a detonator. I flashed a grin and put the detonator in my side pouch before looking back up at him, "That west wing ain't going nowhe- Uh-oh." The confidence drained from me.

My double raised his lightsaber above his head and jumped toward me from the top of the stairs. I quickly reached down to my bet and pulled out my lightsaber hilt, ignited it, and barely blocked his attack. He rammed his lightsaber into mine, shoving me against the wall.

"What the?!" He exclaimed when he saw my weapon.

"Missed a spot." I said and shoved him off. He looked at me stunned. "I think that belongs to me." I said.

"Try and take it!" He said and jumped at me again, trying to bring his lightsaber down on me. I scooted to the side, causing him to scrape the wall instead and leave a giant burn mark on it. Then I sliced my lightsaber, aiming for his chest. My double quickly brought his lightsaber up to block my attack and pushed mine out. I stuck again. We were caught in a parry, pushing our lightsabers against each other. I exercised all my arm and back muscles to their fullest extent as I tried pushing his saber away from me. His saber tip was inches away from scraping the side of my hood. looked at him with gritted teeth as I fought to match his strength with my back facing the staircase going down. Then my eyes widened in pain when I felt a blow to my stomach.

"Ow!" I exclaimed before I was sent flying down the stairs again, with the wind nearly knocked out of me. I landed on the first floor and looked up at him to see his leg extended outwards. "Come on." I groaned in annoyance.

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