Chapter V - Gyndine

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(Gyndine, ARC outpost site, Ahsoka's point of view)

"Get ready to disembark,  we're landing now!" Master Anakin shouted.

The frigate was unable to land at the battlefield because of too much anti-air resistance from the UAC. Thanks to this, the ship was going to land a few ways away from the ARC outpost and leave us to make the rest of the way on foot while it retreated to a safe distance to protect all the cargo and supplies. I stood in front of the entryway of the frigate with Master Anakin and the 501st ready to disembark and start our approach.

"I know you're not a fan of the situation, but we're in this whether we like it or not. Stay close to me." Master Anakin said to me

"I got it. And I'll be fine." I said.


I felt like someone's lapdog. This is the fault of terrible judgment from people who probably shouldn't be trusted in times like this. If only the Jedi had been given control over the situation we wouldn't be in this mess. felt the ship stop moving and lay stationery in the air. The clones charged their blasters and held them tightly. The ship rumbled a bit thanks to some enemies landing attacks on a still target.


I understand it was a decision made in the heat of the moment, but this is only the third time the UAC has dragged us through the dirt. First Kamino, then the entire galaxy, yet the senate still blindly trusts them for the most insignificant reasons. Now they've led us into a death trap on Gyndine. I heard mechanical rumbling below us, the landing gear on the ship had been deployed. I was starting to feel nauseous. I couldn't tell if it was because of the motions of the ship, or just fear. We're supposed to defend the galaxy, but what if we don't come out of this alive?


I felt my stomach drop as the ship touched solid ground and lay still. The doors in front of us suddenly opened up.

"GO! GO! GO!" Master Anakin shouted out to the troops before he ran out with me following behind him. The torrent company rushed out and down the entrance ramp after us. We stopped for a second as the others filled out of the frigate and I took a moment to observe our surroundings. We were in a wooded area enclosure, thin trees surrounded us leaving a large patch of clear space to make for a landing zone for the ship. Beyond us was a very large tower surrounded by a wall that was still under construction with exposed foundations, construction tools and scaffoldings around it, plus a few destroyed droids. On one side of the building, a tower was positioned with an active turret firing on the ground. I could see laser fire and hear indiscriminate shouting on the other side from where we were. Master Anakin ushered us forward and said, "Let's go! They need our help!"

"Follow him!" Captain Rex said from behind us to the 501st. The torrent company rushed towards the facility. I darted my head behind us to see that Master Plo and Master Ferroda were following with the rest of the clones from the 417th and 104th battalions not too far behind us. Through the trees and bushes we ran, as we got closer, the temperature rose, sweat started slipping down my face. No way it was from the running, I always make sure to stay in good shape. A little closer and I realized the true reason: fire. It started with just small burns on the wood, but the further we moved, the more destroyed the area became. The flames only increased the closer we got to the outpost. From piles of ashes, to burning bushes, to trees covered in flames. Once we approached the wall of the compound, all that remained around us was stumps, and some smoke.

We made it to the outer wall of the compound. There were a few openings further up above the wall where construction hadn't been finished, but we didn't have time to scale the whole thing. Master Skywalker turned to the left and continued along the side of the wall, the rest of us followed. "We need to look for a way in." he said.

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