ch 6: Vegetation and Views

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          Harry's first class was Herbology, which he had with Gryffindor. Harry wonders what life would be like if he was in Gryffindor, would he still be on the Quidditch team? Would he be hated by Snape even more than he already is and lose house points? Would he still be best friends with Draco? The last one surprised Harry, it had just slipped in, but he knew deep down, i he had been sorted into Gryffindor, he and Draco would've never been friends, Ron probably would, but Harry didn't want Ron as his best friend, he liked Draco much better in that category, but still considered the red head close to some degree, but doubted strongly if he was a Gryffindor, that he and Ron would sleep on the same bed, or exchange beds, or stay up until midnight because he wanted to make sure Harry was ok after a rough day. 

          As Harry thought about that, it brought a little smile to his face, all of the things Draco did for him, and Harry was suddenly determined to repaying that kindness. 

          They were going to the Green house, Crabbe and Goyle were talking with Draco, making jokes with him and Harry had a feeling that he wouldn't like them if they met his ears.  Harry grumbled to himself. He knew that Draco and him couldn't hang out all the time, but he hated it when he was with anyone else. He internally winced, he didn't want to sound possessive, he was fine when they spent time with Theo and Blaise, or Ron and Hermione, but it just rubbed him the wrong way when Draco spent time with the two of them, knowing all the mean words they said, it made Harry sad that Draco sometimes agreed. He needed to focus on something else, if Draco could spend time with the two brut- boys, then Harry could spend time with Hermione and Ron WITHOUT Draco, no matter how much it would make him uneasy.

          "You good, mate?" Ron nudged Harry, who gave a wide grin and nodded, masking all signs of doubt and another feeling that he couldn't place weirdly. Harry learnt at a early age how to mask his emotions, the Dursleys didn't enjoy it when he showed how e was really feeling, they said it made him weak.

          As Harry thought about his "family" he wondered if he would sound self centered if he spoke out loud, and he quite possibly would be viewed that way. He shoved down the thoughts about his life outside of Hogwarts and focused on Herbology. Harry had always been smart, maybe not common sense wise, but in school he knew most of the answers, he just hated studying, he found it boring, but when he did, he remembered a fair bit, writing down in his messy writing the main points and maybe some extra facts he found important, skimming and underlining, secretly using a pen so that the pure ink doesn't bleed through the pages.

          "Yeah, don't worry about it, Ron." Harry assured, smiling at his friend.

          The teacher, Professor Sprout, started her lesson for the day. "Today, we'll be repotting Mandrakes. Anyone know what are the properties of a Mandrake?"

          Harry was standing across from Draco, beside Ron and Hermione, pondering if he should raise his hand or not, Hermione had her hand raised high, and Draco's was raised lazily up to his shoulder. Hermione really wanted to answer, and he wanted to be a good friend, but house points. He didn't even want to be seen smart, he could go under the radar all of school and he'd be fine. The weird looks he got were pretty aggravating. He just let Hermione raise her hand, not caring.

          "Hermione?" Sprout called on the bushy haired girl. It was obvious that since Hufflepuffs weren't here for Professor Sprout to be biased to, she'd pick Gryffindor over Slytherin, which was not fair, but what could he do. Ron whispered something to Neville, which was weird, they didn't talk much.

          Hermione went on to answer the question, which earned her house 10 points. "Good job, now everyone put on earmuffs, can anyone tell me why they are needed?" Harry raised his hand, this was a simple question, but Hermione was once again called.

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