42 - Break Up

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Nonetheless, Jayla wasn't remotely offended by this and waved me off. "Don't worry, I wouldn't expect someone like you to know me—I'm only a junior."

"What do you mean, someone like me?"

Jayla giggled. "Well, you're kind of a badass. I mean, captain of both the debate team and cheerleading team? Those are like, the complete opposite things. Plus, you've got this amazing friend group, a fine ass boyfriend—I even heard you're in the running for valedictorian. Your life is just so... perfect."

I was dumbfounded. What ever happened to Crazy Daisy? Was this really what people thought of me now? I hadn't even realized that my reputation reached beyond my own circle of friends.

"My life isn't nearly as perfect as it seems. I mean, you've heard the rumors, haven't you?" I skeptically questioned.

"What, that you killed someone?" Jayla asked bluntly. I hesitantly nodded. "Of course I've heard the rumors, hence why I called you a badass."

I stifled a laugh of disbelief. "Right, well, still. My life's not as perfect as you think. One of my best friends currently hates my guts, and my boyfriend and I aren't really on good terms right now."

"Is that why he's entering the diner right now?"

"What?" I squeaked.

"I said, is that why he's entering the d—"

"I heard you the first time," I quickly replied, just as a familiar figure caught my attention through the glass door.

True to Jayla's words, Elias was walking right into the diner, disheveled hair ruffled by the spring breeze. The small bell above the door tinkled as he walked in. His brows were furrowed, and his eyes darted around the diner until they finally locked onto mine. Meanwhile, I stood frozen in my tracks, utterly surprised by his presence. The clatter of plates, the laughter of the customers—all the noise of the diner faded into the background as we locked eyes.

"Table for two?" Elias' deep voice cut through the air once he stood before us.

Jayla gulped and nodded as she stared up at Elias, looking quite nervous. I wasn't all too surprised by her reaction. He had a natural talent of both awing and intimidating a person all at once. Thankfully, I was immune to his effect, and with a huff, I snatched Elias' bicep and dragged him over to an empty booth in the corner of the restaurant, away from prying eyes.

"Woah, I like it when you handle me rough," he smirked, eyes sparkling mischievously.

"Yeah, yeah," I rolled my eyes, causing his smirk to only widen. "What are you doing here?"

"You haven't answered any of my calls. Or texts."

"That's because I've been working. How did you even know where to find me?"

"Your mom."

I cast him an incredulous look. "Is now really the time to be making yo momma jokes?"

Elias snickered. "No, D. I mean, I went to your house and told your mom what happened—that you ditched school and no one could find you."

"You mean, you snitched on me?" I crossed my arms.

"I wasn't snitching, I was just worried," he rolled his eyes. "So, I asked her if she knew where you were."

"I can't believe you were stupid enough to go see my mother on your own," I murmured, for we both knew how irrational my mother was.

"I prefer to use the word brave."

"Right," I chuckled, before adding as an afterthought, "I bet my mother didn't even care, when you told her I was missing and all."

Daisy in a MeadowTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang