30 - Christmas Eve

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I awoke to the noise of my phone ringing.

"Hello?" I groggily answered, without bothering to glance at the contact name.

"Hello, Ms. Johnson, it's me, Colin. I'm just calling to confirm that your heat's back on?"

Colin was my middle aged landlord, who surprisingly had yet to kick me out, considering the amount of late payments I'd given him. Upon sitting up in my bed, I was pleasantly surprised to realize that the heat in the house was indeed back on.

"Yes, it's on," I replied while rubbing my eyes. "Thank you so much, Colin! I promise, I'll pay for all my missing utility bills by next weekend."

"Oh, there's no need for that. Someone's already paid for you."

Confusion overtook me. "What? But... who?"

"I'm not quite sure, actually. I received a wire transfer just this morning on your behalf. The person didn't write their name, so I can only assume its anonymous."

"Really?" I was purely stunned.

"Yes. The person actually sent enough money to cover next year's rent, so you haven't got to worry about that either. Anyways, I've gotta go, but do enjoy the holidays, Ms. Johnson!"

It was a Christmas miracle. I could hardly form the words to speak as I bid my landlord a happy farewell before turning off the phone.

"What happened?"

I flinched at the sound of Chelsea's voice, for I'd almost forgotten she was in my room. After witnessing the state I was in yesterday, she refused to leave me alone, and so we had decided to have a sleepover.

"My landlord," I replied, "he just called to let me know that someone anonymously paid for all of my utility bills, as well as my rent for next year."

Chelsea's mouth dropped. "No way!"

"I know!" I nodded in agreement. "Clearly, there's been some sort of mistake here, because I can't think of anyone who would do something like that for me."

"Hmm," Chelsea began thoughtfully. "I highly doubt there's been a mix up. Isn't there someone you know who's incredibly loaded, and perhaps just wanted to do you a solid?"

My eyes lit up. "Actually, you're right—I know who it was!"



Before Chelsea could reply, my phone began to ring once more. I apologetically held up my finger towards her before picking up the phone.

"Merry Christmas, Daisy!"

I winced at the sound of Malcolm's loud voice and moved the phone further away from my ear.

"It's Christmas Eve, Malcolm," I giggled, "and, are you trying to burst my eardrums?"

"No, but that'd sure be funny," he cheerily replied. "Anyways, get dressed. I'll be at your house in approximately 5 minutes and 27 seconds. Actually, 26 now. 25. 24. 23—"

"Woah woah woah," I said in alarm. "Why exactly are you coming to my house? Uninvited, might I add."

From her position next to me, Chelsea raised her eyebrows inquisitively.

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