26 - Perspectives

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"Aww, look at them! They're adorable," a gentle coo caused me to stir in my sleep.

Malcolm, I groaned in my head, immediately wanting to bash his head.

A bright flash suddenly went off.

"Are you seriously taking pictures?" the voice of Andre scolded. "Cool it, you're gonna wake them up!"

"Too late," I growled, squinting my eyes open.

I was immediately met with the faces of dumb and dumber, Andre and Malcolm.

"Good morning, Ellie," Malcolm beamed, taking another photo. The bright flash caused me to recoil, and I made a swipe at the phone in his hand. Lucky for him, he'd backed away fast enough.

I'd almost gotten up to chase him, but thought better of it when I glanced down at the girl resting in my arms. My breath slightly hitched. Wow, I could wake up to the sight of this every day.

Daisy Johnson. A true enigma, that was for certain.

My little siblings had fallen asleep during the movie, and so I'd carried them up to their rooms before heading back downstairs. However, Daisy and I must've dozed off at some point without even realizing.

I'd never seen her look this peaceful. Frustration and anger seemed to be her more dominant emotions when I was around. Couldn't blame her—the two of us had a certain way of sparking fury within each other.

For a moment, I merely remained still, taking in the sight of her. Her clear, dark brown skin being illuminated by the ray of sunshine that beamed through the windows. Her big, curly hair that framed her heart shaped face. Her soft, plump lips parted open just a smidge as she gently breathed. Her short, wide nose centred perfectly on her face. Her soft, evenly symmetrical eyebrows relaxed just above her doe eyes. God, she was so beautiful, and what was worse was that she didn't even know it.

I was disturbed when another flash went off.

"Take a picture, Ellie, it'll last longer," Malcolm cackled.

"Fuck off," I snapped, dismayed by the fact that he'd clearly caught me lacking. "And you're not allowed to call me Ellie."

"But you let D call you that," Malcolm immaturely pouted.

D? My right eye twitched. How dare he use my nickname for her?

"You're not allowed to call her that, either," I demanded.

"What the duck!" Malcolm exclaimed.

"Duck?" Andre quirked a brow.

"Well, I can't exactly cuss, there's children here," he gestured towards Daisy, who was sound asleep.

"She's a week older than you," I deadpanned.

"Tomato tomato," Malcolm huffed. "It's not fair! Elias gets to call her D, and Andre's started calling her Flower. What can I call her?"

"Maybe my name?" Daisy suggested.

We all snapped our heads towards her. Her voice was soft and slightly raspy from having just woken up. It was precious. She was precious.

The heat of her small body immediately disappeared from me as she sat up on the couch. I found myself yearning for her to lie down once more, though of course, I would never voice these desires.

She glanced back at me, looking slightly disoriented. I could tell she was wondering when Malcolm and Andre had gotten here. I, myself, didn't know the answer to that, although I was certain the two bozos had merely let themselves in. The lovely perks of having two best friends who know no boundaries. I normally wouldn't mind, as the three of us were sort of a package deal. However, they'd just awoken me from the best sleep I'd had in ages, so I was entitled to at least a bit of annoyance.

Daisy in a MeadowWhere stories live. Discover now