5 - Friend

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Although the plan was initially for us to work on our English homework, Malcolm and I found ourselves unable to stop talking. Oddly enough, I felt as though I could trust him. He was the only one out of the guys who had apologized, and he really seemed to mean it.

"I hate to listen to all the rumours, but I'm a bit curious," I said as I downed the last of my sugary drink. "How come you guys all moved here?"

"What do you mean?" asked Malcolm.

"I mean, it's pretty uncommon to transfer during your last year of high school."

He looked a bit hesitant to answer, but alas, a bashful grin fell on his face. "We actually got expelled."

My mouth dropped on. "What for?"

Just as he opened his mouth to answer, the bell to the shop jingled as a group entered. Malcolm's blue eyes flickered up.

"Well, well, well."

I froze at his familiar voice and turned around with dread. It was Anthony Miller, and he seemed overjoyed to find me sitting here. Of course, just as things were going good, he was here to remind me that I didn't deserve to do the normal things every other teenager did—go out for a drink, hang out with a classmate—no, because I was Crazy Daisy. It was all they ever saw me as, him and his little group of followers.

"Hey, you're one of those new guys, aren't you?" Anthony said to Malcolm, placing on a fake smile.

"Malcolm," he curtly replied.

My eyebrows raised in surprise at his uncharacteristically rude tone, though this didn't discourage Anthony. In fact, he stretched out his hand to dap him up. Malcolm merely gave him a blank look, to which Anthony cleared his throat and put his hand down. The tips of his ears turned red, clearly embarrassed about being rejected in front of his group of "friends".

"So, I see you've met my friend," Anthony clapped his hand on my shoulder, causing me to wince and look down. "Come on, Crazy, won't you introduce me?"

I fell silent, and my heart began to race. Other people in the shop began to look and whisper, the vast majority being Oakland High students. Just great.

"Get your hand off her," Malcolm barked, his blue eyes narrowed.

My eyes widened in shock. Anthony ripped his hand off my shoulder, looking almost... afraid?

It was crazy to think that Malcolm, the blond jokester I'd been laughing with just moments ago, had the capability to scare Anthony Miller.

"Come on," Malcolm scowled before glancing at me. "I don't feel like staying now that I know the kind of riffraff that hangs around here."

My eyes bulged as he barged past the group of gaping populars without a care. Nonetheless, I tossed our empty cups into the trash and got up from the booth, following after him.

As he opened the door, he only spared one last glance at them to say, "and by the way, her name is Daisy."

My heart swelled with pride.

"Why would you do that?" I yelped once we made it outside.

"What, defend my friend?" Malcolm casually replied, clearly not understanding the importance of what he'd just done.

Wait. Friend?

A warm feeling settled in my chest. I couldn't remember when, or if I'd ever even had a friend.

"You just committed social suicide," I sighed, though the small smile on my face betrayed me.

As we crossed the street, Malcolm chuckled at my dramatics. "Whatever. Anyways, I can't help but ask. Why do they call you that?"

"Call me what?" I played dumb, although I knew exactly what he was talking about.


An embarrassed blush warmed my cheeks, though it wasn't evident due to my dark skin. I internally thanked God for making me black.

"It's stupid," I muttered in response to Malcolm's question.

He gave me a probing look, to which I sighed before explaining.

"When I was in ninth grade, I had a bit of a meltdown because of... something. Anthony started calling me Crazy Daisy because of it. The nickname sort of spread after that." It was clear that I was omitting some important details, but Malcolm didn't mention it.

"Anyways, thanks for having my back," I glanced up at him.

Malcolm only chuckled. "You're a cool girl, Daisy."

"Cool and Daisy don't belong in the same sentence," I snorted.

"Just take the compliment."

I rolled my eyes and changed the topic. "Y'know, it's weird. I can't picture you being friends with Elias and Andre."

"Why not?"

"They're just so... bleh."

"Nice, real descriptive."

"You know what I mean," I giggled, skipping over the cracks as we walked on the sidewalk. "You've been so nice to me, and yet, they haven't even spared me an apology."

"Don't worry, that'll change once they get to know you. Besides, what's there not to like? Y'know, except for the eavesdropping, the snitching, the obnoxious breathing—"

"Hey!" I stomped on Malcolm's shoe.

He yelped in pain. "I'm kidding! Look, jokes aside, Andre will come around in no time."

"What about Elias?"

He scratched the back of his head and awkwardly chuckled. "Yeah, about that..."

"He hates me, doesn't he."

"Hate's a strong word. I would say he heavily dislikes you."

I chuckled before truthfully replying. "It's okay, the feeling's mutual."


Thank you guys for 100 reads!

Sorry if this chapter was a bit boring, it's mainly just an introduction to Malcolm and Daisy's friendship!

I have a job interview tomorrow and I'm so nervous, wish me luck!

QOTD: how tall are you?
AOTD: 5'5

Until next time!!

Love, Emmanuela<3


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