14 - Followed

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Per Andre's directions, I headed upstairs and entered the first room on the right. It led me to a room filled with colour-coordinated towels, each neatly folded and smelling of fresh laundry.

"Wow," I murmured, quite impressed. I grabbed one of the many towels and began to dab at my wet shirt.

A moment of peace passed, until I suddenly felt someone grab my shoulder. I gasped and turned around to see that it was Justin.

I shakily spoke. "What are you doin—"

"Shh," he placed a dry, scratchy finger over my lips. "It's just me."

If anything, that unnerved me even more. "W-Why are you here?"

"Come on," he laughed. "Don't give me that. You clearly wanted me to follow after you."

"Excuse me?"

"Don't worry," he whispered at my frightened look. "I locked the door so no one can interrupt us."

Justin puckered his chapped lips and began to lean in. I gave him a hard slap on the cheek.

"Are you out of your mind?" I yelled in alarm. "First you called me a bitch, then you insulted my entire race, and now you have the nerve to try and kiss me without my permission? What is wrong with you?"

He looked stunned and clasped his red cheek. "Did you just... hit me?"

His face contorted into anger. Uh oh. I turned around and began to make a run for it, however, he grabbed me by my curly hair and dragged me back.

I screamed in pain and tears began to well in my eyes. "Ouch! Let me go!"

There was banging on the door from the outside, and I distinctly heard someone shouting my name. I was distracted when Justin suddenly grabbed my body and forced me to turn around.

"God, why do you keep playing hard to get?" he growled. "Y'know, every guy at this damn party was looking at you. You're lucky I was the first to actually approach y—"

I kneed him where the sun don't shine. He howled in agony and fell to the ground. With tears streaming down my face, I ran to the door. Just then, it was suddenly kicked open from the outside, causing me to cover my face and stop in my tracks.

With my heart pounding, I squinted my eyes to see who it was. Elias, Malcolm, and Andre were standing in the doorframe, and they each looked deadly.

One look at my teary face was enough to make Elias storm into the room and grab the boy by the collar, who immediately began to whimper.

I never found out what he did next, because Andre and Malcolm promptly ushered me away.

"Did he hurt you?" Malcolm fretfully questioned in worry.

"N-No," I stuttered, which often happened when I was shaken. "I mean, almost. But no."

"Are you okay?" Andre asked.

"I'm fine," I slowly whispered after a moment, wiping my tears away. "W-What is Elias gonna do to him?"

The two shared a look. "Don't worry about that. He's just gonna teach him a little lesson," Andre replied after a moment.

"Okay," I said. "I think I should go home now."

They both looked concerned as I began to walk towards the front door.

"You're not walking home alone," Andre said.


"You're drunk, you're a girl, and it's dark out. I think that says enough," he said. "Malcolm, I want everyone out."

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