Cracking heart

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Yuki sat in the middle between me and Kaname which is the best thing. I took out my DS which by the way I upgraded from my game boy; it took, countless hours to beg Zero to buy it for me. I tuned out Kuran and Yuki's mooshy moment and started playing Naruto Ultimate Ninja. I usually us Sasuke or Naruto to control or Neji but NEVER SAKURA, I swear I never thought of a most useless character until shippuden. The fighting music began and it was me VS Pain which sucks because I like Pain beside him destroying the leaf village. I clicked o and x billions of time to activate the Rasegan.


I was at the perfect angle to perform K.O on Pain.

"Rin!" Kuran growled snatching the D.S away. No fucking way…did he just take my game. Fuck this is going to go down like Donkey Kong.

"Hell to the no, I was sitting her perfectly playing Naruto and you ruined it like you ruin everything else" I snapped.

"I don't like to be ignored" He frowned.


"I have to say its almost adorable how you pout, no wonder Zero treats you like a younger sister. You must treat like Yuki like your sister...Right" He smirked.

"You know….just because we all got some bad issues with vampire isn't the reason were so damn close" I seethed.

"That's rather mean you're saying you don't consider my Yuki like a sibling?"

"Your stepping on thin ice, Kuran" I growled.
"Did you injure your arm because of that vampire" He asked pretending to be concern.

"Obviously you weren't listening that I got hit by a ladder" I rolled my eyes. He started to talk about war with vampires and I have to be honest I tuned that out…if it about history it'll just make sleepy. Oh no my eyes are getting droopy. I only managed to listen half of it.

"And now the aristocrats have the duty to manage those survivors. Sometimes we have to kill them off…" Kaname said giving me a funny look.

"It's the vampire's hunter duty to kill vampires."

"Then why didn't you kill him first?" Kuran shot back. I have to admit that was a burn….

"I'll ease your pain… And help you kill your father" He whispered in my ear. Killing my father...I never thought about killing my father. He usually the one torturing me…

"Perhaps Kiyru…You sympathize with?" He added pressing his lips on my wound. EWWWWWWWWWWWWW HE'S TOUCHING!

Zero immediately took out his bloody rose aiming at Kuran's forehead unfortunately though that other chick has Zero behind his back. Damn when I thought a miracle was going to occur…

"Serien…it's alright. I said something I shouldn't have."

"Clearly you shouldn't have said anything at all" I shot back. Now that I'm thinking the blond vampire, she wanted to see me at the black forest. I bet Kuran knows where. I have to see her…I have to know what's going on.

"Kuran do you know where is the Black forest?" I asked breaking the tension.

"I'm glad that you were the one to ask me, it's all the way out of town" He smiled creeply.

"The reason were here at cross Academy solely because.. Kaname sam OOF" I pushed Aido out the way. Now that made my day. I could hear Takuma calling out to me but I had to ignore him. I have to….


Rin and Zero both left the party? I was only able to chase after Zero. What are they not telling me. I hate it when the hide thing from me especially Rin! I thought we were close. I found Zero on the floor near the poor. I nearly tripped over…Blood tablets? What's going on?! Zero began cough and I rushed over to him.

"ZERO! What is it? Are you alright?" I panicked. Zero didn't reply he reached for my neck and bit it. Zero is…a vampire! He sunk his fangs deeper and he wouldn't let me go. I have to stop him… I flipped my body over and we both fell toward the pool. I opened my eyes to find Zero at his normal state. We went up to the surface to find a gun at Zero's head.

"I never thought that I'd be killing my dear student with this gun. Curs me with your last breath and die… vampire." A man with cowboy outfit swore.

"Mas…ter…" Zero gasped.

Before the He could shoot Rin was suddenly behind him with her weapon to his neck.

"Put the gun down" She ordered calmly.

"Little girl you do know that anti-vampire weapons don't work." He stated.

"Yes, but it sure as hell is sharp" She smirked. Before I thought things were going to get ugly, The headmaster came running toward us.


"HEY, PUT THAT THING AWAY! HOW MUCH LONGER ARYOU GOING TO KEEP A GIRL IN COLD WATER!" The headmaster scowled snatching the gun away from him. The headmaster leaned over lending me his hand but I refused. I was only focus one thing and that's Rin.

"Rin HOW COULD NOT TELL ME ZERO WAS A VAMPIRE" I shouted. I never screamed at Rin before but I was hurt and upset. I thought Rin was going to shout back but she didn't in fact she looked so calm.

"It wasn't my secret to tell" She shrugged and then left.

"Rin wait! Where are you going" I hollored.

"Yuki…it's Fine. Rin just needs to be alone" The headmaster thought.


I finally made it out the Academy with my heart still whole although I have a feeling it's going to fall apart soon. Zero bit Yuki because, my blood wasn't enough…meaning that Zero truly does love Yuki. I already knew that but it's hard see it right in the face. I don't think I can face Zero not now at least…there is just so much pain I can take and hide. I made it to the bus stop with trouble. Usually the buses don't work at this time of day but since vampires roam the night I guess they made exception.

The bus took me took me to the entrance which was the black forest, beware of bears. Yah it's not the bears I'm worring about…. There was sticky note on the tree but before I could read it the girl shot down from the tree.

"Don't bother reading it, if knew you be this late, I would have just came to you" she sighed.

"Well you never did set up a time for us to meet" I sweat drop.

"Oh right…" she shrugged.

"So who are you" I growled.

"My name is Tala…Tala Tsukino I'm your half sister." She smiled some what.

"what?!" I gasped. This can't be fucking happening! I must be being pranked our something?!

Woowhooo chapter is up XD gracias for the reviews
Didn't see that coming did yah? :0

What shall happen next oooooooooooooooh

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