Learning To Fear the Squeaky Hammer

Start from the beginning

"Hey. HEY!" He waved his arms frantically at the grey eyed woman, who looked curiously at the sudden rainbow, taking off a thin pair of reading glasses to look at it. "YO!" (Y/N) screeched, "Genius lady. You see me?"

She was a beautiful woman, anyone could see that, even through the fuzzy signal. She wore a long white dress and had long black hair, pulled back in a ponytail and tinted glasses. She was reading a book in a language he couldn't understand.

Athena slightly cocked her head, as if appraising the rainbow at a different angle would help her somehow, and (Y/N) felt like he had been punched in the gut, he knew those mannerisms, they really were so alike. Even after years apart.

That thought made him focus on her face a little easier, again, like he was more comfortable with the world around him, he looked at the goddess and knew if anyone could look past the mist and see him, as well as take him seriously, it was her.

"It's me! (Y/N)!" He shouted at the rainbow, hoping even if she couldn't see him, she could hear him, "Tell Hades to check the doors! Tell Hades that they're slipping through! My dad needs your help!" He screamed.

But if Athena could see or hear him, she made no indication that his message was getting through, which he really hoped was some genius level rouse in case someone was listening. "They're coming back using old magic, she's reviving an army, but she has help doing it, It's-"

"No, no, don't do that little boy." A voice pounded it's way into his head before the name even formed in his mouth, cutting him off. The dirt eyed woman saw through his eyes, "We can't let you reveal all our secrets can we?"

He saw the witch on the other side of the rainbow message, she had hijacked it by going through his mind and disrupting the signal. Her hood was still up, she still hid her face, being cautious, just in case Athena caught on.

She smirked at him, her dark lipstick smeared across her face as she spoke. "You should have used your time wiser." "Stop stalling me" He said, trying to bat away the rainbow, only when he did it felt like someone had taken a scalding fire poker to his temple.

The witches eyes flared up brighter, the world around him rumbled, even in the sky, which was very concerning. But despite the blinding pain and the voice of the dirt woman in his head telling him to join her, he noticed something.

The golden eyed woman winced in pain, just for a moment, once he had the capacity to, he smirked at the woman, as the voices receded, he was failing to remember her name, like it had been plucked out of his head.

He glared at her and decided to start taunting her back, two could play at this game, and if he interrupted her, he was sure she couldn't poke through his memory again. "I guess you didn't get rid of those voices completely huh?"

"Why do you never learn your lesson boy" She asked spitefully, gritting her blackened teeth, he stored that information in his brain for his next contemplative cloud ride. "I guess that old magic is outdated for a reason huh?" He smiled evilly.

"Old magic?" She taunted, "Not very specific there, were you child? So pathetic, you don't even realize how out of your depth you are, or that you are...entirely...out of your element." Just like that, he was falling.

Leo's POV

Leo wished the dragon hadn't landed on the toilets. Of all the places to crash, a line of Porta-Potties would not have been his first choice. A dozen of the blue plastic boxes had been set up in the factory yard, and Festus had flattened them all.

Fortunately, they hadn't been used in a long time, and the fireball from the crash incinerated most of the contents; but still, there were some pretty gross chemicals leaking out of the wreckage. Leo had to pick his way through and try not to breathe through his nose.

Heroes of Olympus Series. Annabeth Chase X Male Reader StoryWhere stories live. Discover now