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            ✨Lyh'nae Blessing Dennis

It's been 8 months since me and zahair started dating. And my baby's birthday is tomorrow. So I'm on the way to meet his parents to help set up for tomorrows grand celebration.

Every year since zahair turned 18 his birthday celebration has been out to the public, meaning a bunch of news reporters, business owners, big investors, etc will be there.

If there is any day that zahair dreads it's that day. It's not so much of his birthday, it's that he would rather spend the day with his loved ones than to be out celebrating with strangers that only befriend him for the benefits they could get.

I've finally reached the address that mama Ky sent to my phone, I step out my car and walk towards the huge french doors that's already open. "Mama ky?" I say walking into the extremely huge hall.

I walk farther in greeting workers as I pass them. I finally see mama Ky sitting on ales lap. "Mama Ky" I call out and her attention goes to me she jumps out of her husband's lap smiling walking towards me.

"Oh my daughter in-law" she says pulling me into a tight hug rocking me side to side.

I laugh out hugging her back. Ever since she found out me and zahair started dating she's been calling me her 'daughter in-law'. "Hi mama Ky" I say pulling back from the hug. "How are you?" I ask.

"oh I'm blessed baby" she says pulling me to sit down at the table shes sitting at.

Before I sit down I greet and hug Ales and Ales's best friend that the family considers an uncle. "Everybody else will be here soon but for now how are you?" Mama ky asks.

"I'm fine life has been amazing lately." I say truthfully. "My son better be treating you right." She says seriously.

"He is" I respond back.

"Good" she says. "Is your mom coming?" Mama Ky asks.

Mama Ky and my mom have been friends for a long ass time, like since they were teenagers. "she should be" I say.

"She needs to be here I have to catch up with my friend. I haven't talked her in forever." She says exaggerating. They talk almost every day they just don't see each other in person everyday. 

"And Lorenzo wants to see her too" mama Ky says talking about ales best friend.

Now I don't know anything about the history between my mom and uncle Lorenzo. All I know is that they both have strong feelings for each other.

"He definitely does" ales says exposing his best friend making uncle Lorenzo cheeks turn red.

I laugh out looking at the reaction on his face. "I'll make sure she comes." I say smiling in the direction of uncle Lorenzo.

He avoids making eye contact making ales and mama Ky laugh extremely hard.

And for the rest of the morning they were teasing him.


It is now 7:45. I've finally made it back home after a long and tiresome morning. All I want to do is eat, take a shower, call zahair, and fall asleep.

I unlock my door stepping into my place. I take my crocs off at the door sighing tiredly.

The sound of my phone ringing draws my attention. I look at my phone to see zahair's name. I answer the phone. "Amore" his deep voice says into the phone.

I feel butterflies erupt in my stomach. "Hi zahair." I say grabbing a water from my fridge.

"Vedo che sei appena tornato a casa" he says sounding very tired. (Translation: I see that you just got home)

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