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                   ✨Leandro Zahair Apllo

I walk into the my company and hear a great deal of 'good mornings' from the workers and I respond back to who I can respond back to fast enough.

I walk past my receptionist desk she stands up quickly "Good morning Mr.Apollo" my receptionist smiles

"Good morning Ms.White, I hope you're having a wonderful morning." I say politely

"I am sir" she says

"Great" I say as I step into the elevator and press the big gold button that leads directly into my office.


I step out the elevator and see my best friend.

I smile dapping him up "Fratello, come stai?" (Translation: Brother how are you?")

"La vita va bene in questo momento, ma ho qualcosa per te." he says pulling out documents (Translation: Hm life is good right now, but I have something for you)

"Cosa hai per me fratello?" I say sitting down getting comfortable in my chair.(Translation: What do you have for me brother?)

"You remember when we had our little short talk about somebody taking money from the company?" His deep accented voice said.

"Yeah what happened?" I question

"In 2022 you invested in one of the biggest strip clubs in Atlanta" he says showing me the documents

"Yeah I know what about it fratello?" I asked confused because I'm pretty sure we always get the full amount of money we're supposed to get from them.

"The money that you normally get from your investment in that company is about 9,000,000 yearly, which is nothing to you because all your companies make more than that amount in a month."

"Ok" I say for him to continue

He hands me other files that were in his hands. "Each time you get your money from this club $700,000 gets taken from the money."

"How?" I ask confused "The full amount always reaches the account so how is the money getting taken out?"

"I have no idea yet but this person is smart because they knew that taking that amount of money from your accounts wouldn't even put the tiniest dent into your pockets." He says leaning back.

"So they knew you wouldn't even notice until later."

"So since 2020 I've been getting 9,000,000 from that company yearly and every time I've been getting that money this person has been taking 700,000 out"

"it's 2022 now basically 2023 so all that money adds up to 1,400,000." I say feeling myself start to get agitated

"Fratello-" he says warily

"I've been sitting right here and somebody has been taking money from me right under my nose" I say standing up

"My whole thing is this person would have to be extremely close to me to know my account information to be able to even take money from my accounts."

"Or it could be one of my account handler's" I say

"Fratello, capisco che sei incazzato, ma dobbiamo essere intelligenti su questo." He says placing his hand on my shoulder
(Translation: Brother I understand your pissed but we have to be smart about this)

I let out a deep breath. "Lo so"
(Translation: I know)

"You know we could always ask your nonno for a little-"

I cut him off "No, mio padre e mia madre non potevo lasciare la vita da soli anni fa." I say "Ho fatto molta strada da quella vita che non è qualcosa a cui voglio tornare, specialmente non ora che Lyh'nae si sta allentando per me"
(Translation: No I couldn't my father and mother left that life alone years ago.) (Translation: I've come a long ass way from that life that's not something I want to go back to especially not now that Lyh'nae is easing up to me)

He sighs "Ok, ma sai che non puoi mai lasciare la vita fratello e tuo nonno sarebbe felice di aiutarti, inoltre non è che Lyh'nae non abbia idea di come sei cresciuto, voglio dire, era letteralmente lì"
(Translation: Ok but you know you can never actually leave the life brother and  your grandfather would be happy to help also it's not like Lyh'nae is clueless about how you grew up I mean she was literally there)

"Lo so, ma non voglio farla passare attraverso ques" I say calming down when Lyh'nae becomes the topic of conversation
(Translation: I know but I just don't wanna put her through that)

"Also I'm a changed man" I say smiling lightly

He laughs "Solo perché hai preso un paio di lezioni di gestione della rabbia non significa che sei un uomo cambiato" he says going to sit back down.
(Translation: Just because you took a couple of anger management classes doesn't mean you're a changed man)

"What?" I say dramatically. "Sono cambiato, non so di cosa stai parlando" I say going back to my seat.
(Translation: I changed I don't know what you're talking about)

"Right" he says "Speaking of Lyh'nae how is she?"

"She's great I'm going to see her tonight actually" I say happy to talk about her

"She still playing hard to get" he ask

"Man this woman" I sigh "Her little fine ass got me chasing after her like a puppy looking for it's owner" I've never been embarrassed to tell Pietro nothing we grew up together so he knows everything about me and vice versa.

He laughs "something's never change man from back then till now even when you supposedly didn't know you wanted her"

"I've finally made it somewhere though, she said yes to me taking her on a date" I pause for a moment. "Well multiple dates"

"Sul maledetto tempo fratello"
(Translation: About damn time brother)

I lean back Into my chair and sigh. "La voglio molto, amico"
(Translation: I want her badly man)

"You want her badly as in you want to get your dick wet or like you see a future with her?" He ask

"Sono italiano, pensi che inseguirei così tanto una donna se non vedessi un futuro con lei"
(Translation: I'm Italian you think I would be chasing after a woman this much if I didn't see a future with her)

"Yes" he says seriously.

"Ok let me reword my question"

"Sapendo come mi comporto quando si tratta di Lyh'nae, pensi che la inseguirei se non vedessi un futuro con lei" I ask
(Translation: Knowing how I act when it comes to Lyh'nae you think I would be chasing her if I didn't see a future with her)

He stays silent for a moment just looking at me to see if I'm being serious "Ok I'm happy for you fratello"

"Thank you" I say glad that I got that off my shoulder.

Our conversation is interrupted with the sound of my phone ringing.

I look down to see who's calling and smile when I see the name that popped up on the screen.

"This is her calling right now."

He stands up and daps me up "Va bene fratello, ci vediamo più tardi, stai al sicuro" He says leaving
(Translation: Alright brother I'll see you later be safe)

"Yeah yeah you to" I say

All he could do was laugh and walk out closing the door.

I quickly answer the phone. "Hi amore" I say happily.

"Hi zahair" I hear her beautiful voice in the phone which cause butterflies to form in my stomach.

God help me.


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