Nora nodded, ignoring the sarcasm.

Sarge: "I just wanna let you know that in my bunk back at the base there's a recorder deck. I've prerecorded about fifty-seven hours of rants that should be applicable, in a variety of situations. Whenever you're feeling good about yourself, I want you to play one. And always remember, somebody hates you."

Nora laughed with a heavy breath.

"You know? In his own way I think Sarge cares about Grif." Pyrrha smiled, "With that much effort he must feel that Grif is important."

"Important for him to hate." Nora agreed.

"I can imagine Grif playing one of those rants and wondering how he could ever miss Sarge." Blake added.

Nora nodded, "It's so sad."

The alien continues firing, but stops when Church shows up in front of him

Alien: "Grrruuhg!?"

Church: "Oh hey, alien, whassup?"

Ruby sighed, "He still can't control himself."

"Kind if like you when you first discovered your semblance." Yang laughed, soon laughing so hard she couldn't breathe.

Ruby blushed as she glared at Yang, "It is not that funner it was never that funny!"

"You ran into everything!" Yang continued to laugh.

"Are there videos?" Weiss asked hopefully.

Yang groaned, "Dad made me delete them, but I know for a fact he still has all of them on his scroll." She growled.

Ruby sagged in her seat as she sighed.

The alien drops his chaingun and kneels bowing his head, grunting as only these aliens can do.

Tucker: "Cease fire!"

"Is it bowing?" Ruby asked.

Ren hummed, "I think so, almost praying."

"Church is inside an ancient relic, so it's probably important to their religion." Jaune added.

Church: "Um, the alien's being weird in here."

Grif: "What's it doing?"

Tucker: "No no, I've seen this before. Some of the aliens worship this ancient technology. This one probably thinks Church is some sorta God."

Ruby began to laugh, "Oh no, imagine if people started thinking Qrow was a god."

Yang cackled, "I demand the strongest beers from Vacuo, the finest wines from Mistral, and all Atlesian drinks destroyed."

Ruby groaned.

"Why Qrow and not your father?" Pyrrha asked.

"Church sounds like dad but acts more like Qrow most of the time." Yang explained.

Church: " Wow, seriously? That's pretty fucking cool."

Ruby nodded, "Yeah dad would be embarrassed."

"I don't like this, the poor Alien is going to be manipulated with his beliefs." Pyrrha commented.

"Isn't that what religion does?" Jaune asked.

"Be happy there's no one religious in here, you would start a fight with that comment." Blake chuckled.

Yang nodded, "Yeah you're starting to sound like our uncle, he's so cynical about religion it's like he thinks he knows where we actually come from."

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