Everyone's faces fell.

"Uhh I say we just not think about that, we've done worse things before." Yang pointed out.

"Not us!" Nora shouted, "What if the headmaster comes down to check on us! He'll see that we have our weapons and think we're up to no good! We'll be expelled! With just our skills in fighting we'll have to make a living in the city somehow! No doubt we'll turn to a life of crime, slowly changing from who we once were to low life criminals! We'll be hated! Abandoned! And hunted down by our former friends and allies! What have we become!" She fell to her knees and a loud bang and silent dry sobs.

The room gaped at her, she showed no signs of recognition.

Ren sighed, "Mini panic attack, it will pass."

"Is she alright?" Ruby asked.

Ren nodded, "Yes, again just a tiny anxiety episode. It's just Nora being Nora, it happens very rarely. Normally under stress."

Nora popped up, "Ok! I'm ready for the episode!"

Again everyone in the room gaped at her, "Stop staring and play it already!" She snapped.

" Hang Time" appeared on the screen with the theme.

Fade in to the alien firing a minigun in the temple.

Ruby gasped, "It's Coco's turret! But hers looks way better because she repainted it herself."

"I'm still surprised she let you completely redesign her turret." Weiss commented. "You must have begged a lot."

Ruby threw a dismissive hand her way, "Pfft what? No Coco is always open to a new look."

Weiss raised an eyebrow.

Ruby sagged, "Ugh yes there was a lot of begging, and I'll have to beg some more if I want to make the E.M.P gun. Or Emp gun I like that better." Ruby grinned.

"More begging and more of my dust." Weiss sighed.

"Not yours yet." Blake chuckled, "You're not the CEO yet."

Weiss huffed, "I know, anyway Ruby? Can you think of any weapon upgrades that don't cost a lot of money."

Ruby blushed, "uhhh I uhh, Nora's double barrel grenade launcher and the mini rockets! I added a lot to Magnhild."

Nora grinned as she flashed her double barrels to everyone... Yang shut her eyes and turned away as she laughed at her own unspoken joke.

Sarge: "Grif, listen, we may not both make it out of this."

Jaune hummed, "This reminds me of the moment in I think the second or third season when they were hiding from O'Malley and Lopez on sidewinder."

"I wonder what brilliant plan he'll come up with this time." Yang quipped.

Grif: "What?"

Sarge: "If you die, I think I'm prepared to live with that. I've practiced it a lot. But there's also a chance you might survive and I won't."

Nora gasped, "I hope it's the other one, Sarge is too important to die."

"So is Grif." Jaune pointed out.

Grif: "There'd be a better chance if you'd help me shoot!"

Sarge: "In case I don't make it, I can't help but think about all the future mistakes you're gonna make, that I'm not gonna be there to scream at you about."

Nora gasped again, "Aww that's kind of sad."

Grif: "Oh stop, I'm getting all teary-eyed."

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