"I've never heard of that." Ruby commented.

Weiss nodded, "It mainly happened during the Great War and Faunus War, soldiers on both sides came back with PTSD."

Grif: "Dammit, no radio here either? Someone's yanked it out. Why would they deliberately pull the radio out of their own jeep?"

"... Omega?" Ruby asked.

Jaune shook his head, "I don't know, it wouldn't make any sense unless he somehow survived the E.M.P. But that is a pretty strong hint of it being him."

Blake nodded, "I hope he becomes a more serious enemy if it is him. I didn't like him very much as an antagonist."

"Wait if Omega survived?" Ruby grinned. "Maybe the others did too."

"I hope so." Ren nodded, thinking of Delta.

Caboose: "Let me take a look at it Grif."

Grif: "Why? You wanna confirm that there's no radio?"

Caboose: "Maybe I can fix it."

Grif: "How're you gonna fix something that isn't even ther- you know what, no fuck it, go for it. Whatever."

"I think Caboose will somehow do his thing and fix it." Pyrrha chuckled.

Grif goes over to Sarge

Grif: "Sarge, this place gives me the creeps. Something's really wrong here. I mean why would they deliberately pull the radio out of their own jeep? And why can't I get a signal on longrange?"

Sarge: "Something does seem out of place. But maybe we're overreacting. Maybe they're just using the parts from these radios to fix the others."

"He does that with Jeeps." Ruby commented.

Yang nodded, "Yeah, I remember talking about doing the same with Bumblebee."

Grif: "And we just happened to only find all the ones that are

broken? That seems unlikely."

Sarge: "Hmm, maybe they have one enormous radio somewhere that requires a ton of parts? Like one the size of a house."

"Sounds like a miniature CCT." Jaune commented.

Grif: "Once again, unlikely. Wait a second- what about that thing, the big freighter? It looks like a mobile base. Maybe it has a radio?"

"I doubt they'll let them use a radio." Blake commented.

Caboose: "(whispering) Sheila, is that you? Are you there? Uh, Delta? Tex."

Pyrrha frowned, "So he's not trying to fix it. He lied."

Sarge: "Hey, what're you up to over there?"

Caboose: "Nothing!"

The A.I. unit falls to the sand.

Caboose: "I'm up to nothing."

Sarge: "What is that, what're you doing?"

"That's the million Lien question." Yang chuckled.

Quickly cuts to show C.T. running down to meet them before cutting back to Grif.

Grif: "Uh oh, here comes-"

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