"Motor oil, he drinks it." Ren mumbled.

Lopez: "Soy robostesa mágica."

Caption: I am a magic robot.

Weiss continued to laugh, "He's so... I don't know-"

"Sassy?" Jaune suggested.

Weiss nodded, "Yeah, sassy but not in an annoying way, sassy and sarcastic."

Simmons: "How come, in all these years of working with us, you haven't managed to learn one single word of English?"

"What? Can't Lopez say the same thing back to him?" Ruby asked.

"They aren't very logical in their thinking." Ren chuckled.

"I vaguely remember Tucker fixing Church's voice when he inhabited Lopez." Pyrrha commented.

"Hmm, wonder why Lopez won't fix it himself." Jaune frowned.

Lopez: "No sé."

Caption: I don't know.

Lopez: "Para evitar conversación tenga gusto de esto."

Caption: Probably trying to avoid conversations like this.

Weiss laughed, "That's probably it, however I would just turn my ears off like Church."

Cut to Sandtrap with Sarge, Caboose, and Grif on one side and C.T. With Smith on the other, an alien is also in the background on a super rock roof.

C.T.: "Now I'm sure you've heard about the treaties between aliens and people. We're here to investigate an energy reading. Rules are now, if they find one of these things, all investigation teams have to have at least one person, and one alien. No exceptions."

Ren frowned, "Hmm, so that means this is an official operation. The war must be over for Aliens and Humans to be cooperating."

Jaune nodded, "I agree, I think these are good guys." Jaune smiled.

Blake shook her head, "No, they're definitely bad. If this is official then they're probably UNSC and who runs the UNSC?"

"We have no idea?" Jaune frowned.

Blake sighed, "The Chairman."

"He is only chairman of a specific branch of the UNSC, which we still don't exactly know what the UNSC is." Weiss pointed out.

Blake waved her hand, "Well whatever he is he's high ranking, so these guys can be under him. He's the same person who had Washington locked up. And don't forget that Tucker had problems here."

"Donut was vague about that, he said something, I don't think that something was this group." Jaune counter pointed, "Last season when Tucker was on call with Grif there was an explosion. I bet thats the strange energy reading."

"We're going too far into speculation." Blake held up a hand, "We'll find out soon whether this group can be trusted or not."

"You two can bet on it." Yang grinned.

Blake frowned, "What? So we can become gambling addicts like you and Ren?"

"It's not an addiction, it is merely a friendly game." Ren explained.

"That involves Lien." Jaune pointed out.

"What's fun about gambling with no stakes?" Yang asked.

Blake simply shook her head, "Were you two going to bet on which one of us was right?"

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