Grif: "Well, your 'strategy' broke the jeep. So don't go blaming me. And the blue guy's dead too. How're we gonna explain that?"

"Caboose can't die like that?" Pyrrha said with a questioning inflection.

"No, they wouldn't kill off a main character like that." Blake agreed, reassuring her.

"Who cares about Caboose, look at the new guy, weird helmet." Nora pointed.

"I think it looks cool." Jaune shrugged.

C.T.: "What the hell? What were you thinking?"

"He was the man on the Megaphone." Blake pointed out.

Sarge: "We don't need to explain why he died, Grif. We're Reds! Killin' Blues is our business. And today, business is good."

"Wasn't the whole point of this mission to keep Caboose alive, get Tucker, and get Command to formerly recognize blue team again so they could then kill them?" Weiss asked.

"Don't look into it too logically." Ren advised, "As much as it pains me to say that."

Grif: "But we didn't kill 'im. He stepped on a mine and blew up. And he's the reason that we're on this stupid mission. So now what?"

"I hope he's not hurt." Pyrrha commented.

Sarge: "I see your point. So I think we should have a moment of silence in honour of the dead Blue guy. Bow your head."

"Huh, respectful towards his enemies." Pyrrha smiled, "It wasn't expected but it's welcome, it's always better to be respectful."

"What about taunting?" Jaune asked, "That helps in fights."

Yang growled, "Fucking bitch with heterochromia, short piece of sh-" Yang continued to Grumble many many obscenities.

Weiss glanced at Yang, "Y-Yeah, Taunting helps in fights."

"I think you can still be respectful, once the fight is over." Pyrrha explained.

"You mean only with people right? Can't really be respectful to Grimm." Ruby laughed.

Nora snorted, "'How do you do dear Mr Grimm?' I say as I knock their teeth out."

"Not doing very good I'm guessing." Pyrrha laughed heartily.

C.T.: "Hey, are you listening to me?"

Grif: "Do you mind? We're having a moment of silence? Show some respect."

"Grif asking someone to show respect? That's like that weird dumb saying about kettles." Nora laughed.

C.T.: "What?"

Sarge: "Dear Lord, we thank you for taking another Blue back to Heaven today. Or rather not to Heaven. To whatever firey pit you send Blues to so they can suffer in eternity. You coulda taken Grif. But you didn't. Again . Not sure why, it woulda been easy! Those mine things are everywhere! But I guess you know what you're doing."

"Man Sarge has very quickly gone back to hating Grif." Yang laughed.

"It was a short respite." Ren nodded.

"It was grand while it lasted." Pyrrha smiled.

"Sarge's hate for Grif aside." Ren said changing the subject, "We just got another great insight on their religion. Prayer begins with dear lord, they have no name for their version of paradise, just heaven. Just like how there's no special name for their version of hell. Just hell. And hell involves fire for them."

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