What A Catch

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Sam buried his head in the sheets of the groggy motel room bed, scuffing his hair up even more, combined with hair product and sweat from the sheer warmth of the night. What awoke him came down to his brother singing 'Panama' by Van Halen. "...Yeah! We're runnin' a little bit hot tonight! I can barely see the road from the heat comin' off!..."

"Deeaan...stop," Sam grumbled, grabbing at sheets to stop the painful vocals his brother was hollering around the place.

"...Know what I'm sayin', I reach down between my legs n' ease the seat back!..."


Dean paused for a second and without Sam noticing, jumped on his bed. "Nope!" and continued shouting the lyrics again.

"Dean! Stop singing you fucking bastard. It's too early!"

"Never, Sammy!" He sang the words, throwing his hands in the air to stable himself and began to jump and try to avoid stamping on his brothers large legs at the same time.

Sam growled even more and squeezed his eyes shut. He felt a wheezing in the back of his throat as the early morning freeze attacked it. The covers were crumpling under his large hand hold and his increasing anger at his brothers annoying singing. "I will get your boyfriend and force him to smite you."

Dean stopped his jumping and landed back on the floor, smacking his brothers head with a pillow hard. Twice. Okay, thrice, but he deserved concussion by cushion. "Cas is not my boyfriend."

Maybe Sam shouldn't have started laughing because he got pummelled by the hard pillow again. Repeatedly. Sam swivelled his head around and began to sit up with a smirk on his face, his long hair sticking to his forehead. "But you knew who I was talking about though."

"Oh, just shut up!" Dean rolled his eyes and lazily hit Sam around the head again. Sam was quick and held his hands up to take the weak blows. He was used to a lot harder hits from monsters. The older hunter gave up quickly and threw his pillow back on his bed.

"So, we got a new case today?" Sam rubbed the palms of his hands in his eyes to get the sleep out and hugged his knees a little.

"Uhh..." Dean frowned and tilted his head from side to side.

"What do you mean 'uhh'?" He imitated sarcastically.

"I'll take this one by myself." Dean stuffed a couple of shirts back in his back and watched Sam raise an eyebrow at him. "Seriously, Sam, I can take this."

Sam jumped out of bed and slung on his shirt and quickly exchanged shorts for jeans under the sheets. "What is it?"

"Just, uh, a couple of deaths..."


Dean paused his packing and looked down at his hands. He bit his lip then abruptly zipped his belongings away. "Vancouver. We're only 150 miles off, give or take, and we've gone a lot further for less...after I've finished we can go on a holiday around the mountains."

"I thought you hated Canada?"

Sam began packing his stuff away still half asleep, taking his laptop off charge and stuffing it in his duffel. Normally he was a morning person. In fact every other day he would be the one up before Dean, jogging, or going for food for them both. Every other day, expect from when Dean woke him up with that voice that could shatter wine glasses.

"Well Cas likes it, we could meet him there."

He knew it. "It's all about Caaasss! Cas, Cas, Cas, Cas, Cas! You worship the ground he walks but you're just a shadow, Dean. Make yourself known!"

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