Domestiel AU

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Cas smiled to himself as he pulled into the driveway, the car coming to a nice stop so Cas could just walk down the path directly to their front door. He hummed some song of Dean's favourites, picking up his work bag and breathed in the air of suburbs. Finally free of work for a week, he could do whatever.

The home was ominously quiet when he shut the door behind him. Then he ventured into the open plan kitchen still searching for where his normally rowdy kids and husband would be.

He dumped his stuff at the foot of the stairs and creeped forward into the lounge where he began hearing muffled giggles and Dean shushing them.

"Hello?" Cas asked, breaking the silence. He kept going until the carpeted floor met his bare feet, then peered around the room. There was pillows, cushions, blankets and stools strewn about the floor in a random order making it look like someone had robbed them. "Dean?"

"Boo!" Mary, his youngest, shouted from behind their couch, with a wide smile. Her eyes lit up as she saw her dad.

Cas pretended to be scared, jumping back in surprise. Then Dean's head slowly emerged above the back of the couch with a fair smile on his face. For an actual fright, Cas suddenly found two arms wrapped around his neck and a roar in his ear.

"John!" Cas shouted and stumbled backwards with the boy piggy backing him.

"The floor is lava, dad! You'll die if you tread in it!" John said, pointing forward into the room.

"I thought I was indestructible?"

Mary and John laughed at him, Mary bouncing about next to Dean and clenching her fists. Dean smiled fondly at them all, feeling himself well up for some reason. It'd been years since he last cried, and that was when Cas said he wanted another child. And then they got Mary. But he didn't want to let the kids see him cry with no explanation of his emotions. Crying meant upset to them, if daddy was upset then they'd be upset, which none of them wanted. They didn't quite understand that crying could be happiness or confusion. Or of hope and love.

"Papa? Are you okay?" Mary asked him, flicking her ponytail back and then wrapping her arms around his neck.

"I'm fine," Dean lied. It'd also been something he learned while being a father, lie. "Tell you what?" Dean pulled her back and looked over between Cas and her with newly found excitement, "let's try and push dad and John off into the lava, then we can rule the world!"

"Yay!" She squealed and jumped over the couch onto a cushion below, advancing on where Cas was still standing with John on his back.

"John! Save yourself!" He cried out and dropped the boy down so he could begin hopping from one safe place to another.

Cas had no option but to follow where John had gone or he'd be caught by Mary, but she was too quick.

"Dean! Save me!" Cas cried out as Mary latched onto his leg and dragged him down so he couldn't get to the big safe place - the chair. "Dean! She's going to kill me with the lava!"

"Don't be silly, daddy! Papa will save you at the last minute," John said as he was being cornered by Dean by the TV. Dean made his launch in an attempt to catch his son but John was fast.

"Why's that then?" Dean panted and ran as fast as he could with the places he could tread over to John, past his 'dying' husband.

"Because you love papa too much!"

Then something about that made the two men freeze. Yes, they loved each other, they said so every day, but now their son could see it. He'd grow up with them two still in love, and this was his first real recognition.

Dean wanted to cry again. But he wasn't going to. Not yet. Maybe in the arms of Cas tonight, or in the bathroom locked away but never in front of the children.

Cas saw his husband in peril, in more ways than just John pushing him into the lava, so he lifted his foot up where Mary was clinging to him like a monkey and stomped over to the couch, falling down on it. This in turn forced Mary to fall off and onto the lava floor below.

"Daddy! You killed me!" She dramatically wailed out and began sinking down, clinging to the edge of the couch.

"How could you do that?" Dean gasped.

Out of no where John came rushing over, past the enemy of Dean and pushed Cas out the way. "I'll save you!" He grabbed his little sister and yanked her up onto safety.

Dean made his way over precariously, as most things had slid slightly out of place making steps impossible and jumps risks of ending up in hospital. "How dare Cas betray us all."

"You're right!" John growled, turning to Cas kneeling on the couch next to him, "he needs to pay!"

"Now who's the little traitor," Cas rolled his eyes but accepted fate as John and Mary began jabbing him with their stubby fingers in an attempt to tickle him. "Ow...ow...ow..."

Dean soon joined in and Cas actually got flailing about. Never had he revealed his weakness of the neck tickle until now. Until Dean.

"Stahp! I can't...ahh!! I've been defeated!" Cas tried to get them to stop, and didn't want to accidentally hurt one of them.

"Not until you apologise!" Mary said, pushing him back so Cas was lying down on the small couch with his two kids standing or straddling him and Dean joining in. John nodded to agree with Mary.

"Okay! Okay!" They all froze. "I'm sorry for killing you Mary. It won't happen again," this goes under things he never thought he'd say.

"You are forgiven, dad," she lay down next to him, squishing between his side and the back of the couch. John fit in the other side and Cas wrapped his arm around him so he couldn't fall off. They relaxed and closed their eyes, Mary yawning and rubbing her eyes and so Cas kissed their foreheads and napped with them.

Dean felt rather left out but it didn't matter. He loved the sight of them all together, snuggled up and peaceful.

"I'll be cooking dinner, if you need me," Dean softly said and began tidying up around them before exiting the room.

"Dad?" John mumbled, "you do love papa, don't you?"

"Yes," Cas grouched.

"Tell him...because he looks sad sometimes...when you're not here, or-or when he doesn't think me and Mary are watching him."

"I will."

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