Jessabriel AU

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A/N I've just finished Painted Angels, the fanfic you all should read and keep reading it's amazing and what is my life now idk *looks dramatically off into distance*
This is Jess and Sam and Gabriel. That is all...Oh God.

Jess was an exceptional student at worse, excelling in all subjects and had a bright future. Everyone either wanted to date her, be her or make sure her pretty little face never saw the light of day again. But as she looked like the average preppy, cheerleader and jocks girlfriend, she didn't let the attention and stereotypes get to her. She did her work, got those high grades and somehow found a lonely boy along with it.

Said lonely boy was an outsider, a tall and gangly, sharp cheek boned young gentleman. He was also exceptional, but Jess could never work out what the deal with him was. Sam, as she found out his name, was introverted and had 0% social reign.

It was only until Jess forcefully began talking to him she discovered he was worth the long nights and stalking him around classes and campus, the times they'd stolen glances and began to share homework, have study dates, library runs together.

And then Sam kissed her. That was the moment in her life she melted right into and forgot about all the boys she was expected to date, her family and how much they'd want her to have a rich boyfriend like herself. But that moment she cherished and remembered every second.

It wasn't until a few months later their relationship wasn't the white picket fence and smiles, genuine laughs and breezing through life everyone, including themselves, had made it out to me.

Sam began acting off. Any interaction with other people was cut to minim, the wouldn't go out as often together, dates were next to 0 and Jess was feeling like she was dragging the mood down. It wasn't her fault though, she knew something deeper must be up.

One morning Sam walked out of their bedroom after a shower, wet, long hair sticking to his forehead and he still looked adorable.

Jess cornered him, holding a spoon up to his face threateningly. "Jess? What the hell?" He leant forward and licked the melted chocolate off of it anyway, humming and licking his lips in approval.

"I've had enough, Mr. Sulky," Jess said, "you've been acting weird for a while now and if you don't tell me what's wrong then I won't give you any of the cake."

"You got me there, Jess," Sam grinned and pushed the spoon gently down, then pressed his lips on her soft ones.

After a second Jess pushed him back with a smirk and when he tried to get past she more forcefully put her hand on his shoulder. "Nah-ah, soldier."


"Come on, Sam! It can't be that bad that you can't tell your own girlfriend!" Sam put his hands up in defence and hung his head with a cheeky grin on. Jess went up on her toes and pressed a kiss into his forehead. "Babe, nothing can be that bad to drive me away from you. Except if you're a serial killer."

Sam opened his mouth to say something then closed it again. After just staring into his girlfriends eyes he decided to come out with the simple statement of: "No."


"Because," he said in a whisper, not meeting her eyes, "I don't think you'll still love me the same after."

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