Only For You

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A/N Cas' speech is based off of a poem.

"Cas, you are far from replaceable," Dean mumbled as he switched the TV off, still thinking over what Cas thinks of himself. He's not worthless. He's Dean's boyfriend so that makes him far from it. He's light and night in one, he's storms and calm, he's love and softened hate. And he's wonderful.

"And you have stardust in your veins, Dean, that the ocean lives in your soul and your breath is the same as the tide. Can't you see that the sun sets into your eyes? Your bones are made of clouds and steel and etched with all the words I've ever known and fragile but so strong. Can't you see? No one is immortal, darling, I'll give you that, and value is both inherent and subjective, yours and mine and Sam's. But we are made of the stars and the moon and all the atoms of the universe, the same flesh and blood as icarus and shakespeare, the same breath as dragons and dinosaurs. I thought you should know, Dean. Because you're everything. And I've loved you from the moment I saw your soul."

"You've never called me darling before," Dean teased, "I like it. Still prefer baby though."

"I thought the impala was your baby." I just said all of that and that is your response.

"Yeah well I'm yours, your mine, and also the Impala is my baby too."

"You're ridiculous."

"And you're a beautiful wordsmith."

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