Part 9.

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Louis POV

I woke up Sunday morning happier than normal. I was still thinking about my date with Harry and how his lips felt on mine.

I checked my phone to see if  I got any messages. I got like a thousand messages from Niall asking how my date was, so I decided to text him back all the details.

Ni 💚

Ni [7:44pm]: How did your date go?
Ni [7:50pm]: Lou, I want details!!
Ni [8:00pm]: Are you still with Harry?

And there were like 10 more messages

[9:27am]: Ni, it was amazing. We kissed...

I immediately got an answer.

Ni [9:27am]: YOU DID WHAT! omg Lou i'm so happy, I knew Harry had a thing for you.

Niall freaked out some more and I gave him more details about the date.

After chatting with him for a bit I checked if I had gotten any other messages, hoping that Harry texted me. But he didn't. I was kind of disappointed and was debating if I should text him but decided against it.

The rest of the day went pretty slow. I did some homework and watched a movie with my sisters. Just a fun family day.

The sun went down and it was already getting dark outside so I decided to go to bed early. Excited to see Harry tomorrow.

Monday morning. I hate monday mornings.

With a groan I got out of bed when my alarm went of and headed towards the bathroom. I took a shower and got ready for school.

I went downstairs to eat breakfast and checked my messages, again hoping for a message from Harry.

Haz <3
no new messages.

Normally he would've texted me already. Why not now? I decided to text him asking if he wanted to go for milkshakes after school with Niall and Zayn. But no response.

When I was finished eating breakfast I packed my school bag and started walking towards the bus stop. Niall and I had our usual routine, listening to music, talking for a bit and walking in school together.

When we arrived at our lockers there was still no sight of Harry. I opened my locker and got the books I needed for my classes when I saw Harry and Zayn.

It looked like they were walking towards us so I waved at Harry but he stared blankly ahead of him. When they neared us they just walked pasted us like we weren't even there.

"What was that? Did you guys get into an argument?" Niall asked.

"No we didn't, I- I don't know why he ignored me" I said kind of sad.

Niall and I walked towards our class and when we sat down I decided to text Harry.

Haz <3

[8:35am]: Why are you ignoring me?

And again, no response.

Why is he actions like this? Did I do something wrong? Oh- maybe he regrets our date? The kiss? But he initiated it.

The teacher walked into the classroom and handed us some worksheets. I decided to focus on my work now and try to talk to Harry later.

You're breaking me.  (l.s)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat