Part 1.

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Louis POV

"You're so annoying Niall"
Niall has been bugging me because I still don't have a boyfriend. Yes i'm gay, does it surprise you? No? Neither am I.

"Niall, stop bugging me about it. I don't want it". I sigh. It's not like I don't want it, it's just... Every guy I dated are just not the ones I want. They only want me
for my body or just have a shit personality.

"I just don't understand why you're still single. You would literally be the perfect boyfriend". Niall said.

"Niall, please just shut the fuck up. I'm done talking about this. And with that I stood up grabbed my things and left the cafeteria.

Niall sitting there with his mouth wide open but quickly came to realisation. He also stood up, grabbed his stuff and followed Louis.

Why does he keep bugging me about this. He's been talking about this boyfriend thing for a while now and actually it kind of upsets me. You know being alone makes me sad. Falling asleep alone, not having anyone to share your feelings with. I had all of that with my ex, but.. let's not think about that.

While I was so occupied with my mind I wasn't paying attention to my surroundings, until I fell on the ground.

"ooff.." I said when I fell, rubbing my shoulder because I bumped into something quite hard.

"You should watch where you're going baby boy". I heard someone say.

With that being said, I looked up. Who is calling me baby boy? Who does he think he is?

When I looked up I immediately felt furious. The one and only Harry Styles is standing in front of me.

"Don't call me that"

"Why not baby boy" he said with a smirk.

"Fuck off Harry". I may be petite, but my mouth for sure isn't.

"Let me help you princess". He stook out his hand to help me up. I slapped it away and pulled myself up.

"I don't need your help, get your hands off me".

"Such a big mouth princess, maybe I should put that mouth to use then, maybe you'll shut up".

Maybe i'll show you how to shut up with my hand, I thought.

"Leave me alone Harry".

"Whatever you want princess, but you'll be hearing from me". He winked at me and walked away.

I stood there with my mouth open when Niall arrived. "What was that about" he asked.

"Nothing Niall, Harry was just being an ass as always".

"Why, what did he say?"

"He called me baby boy, I don't want him calling me baby boy"

"Ooh Louis, maybe you should give him a chance" Niall said while giving me a slight shove against my shoulder.

"Niall ew, don't you know he sleeps around? I'm not dating some player"

"But Louisssss" he whined. Trying to convince me. I swear this boy needs a life.

"Niall shut it, I don't want to hear about it". With that being said, we went opposites ways to our next class.

After a long day at school it was finally time to go home. I walked out of school to the bus stop when out of nowhere...

"Hey baby boy, what are you doing here alone". I heard a deep voice say and I felt him place his hands on my hips. I turned around quickly.

"What are you doing Harry, and get your hands of me". Why does this boy keep bothering me and calling me baby boy, he never paid attention to me.

"Don't be so mean baby, I just wanted to say hi"

"And I want to say bye. Goodbye Harry" I said and turned around. When is this bus coming? I want to get out of here.

"Why are you so mean? I'm just trying to be nice"

"Harry, I don't want to talk to you. Go home"

"Whatever you want princess". And he finally left. Thank god, I just want to go home.

After waiting for 10 more minutes, my bus still wasn't showing. You can never trust these things, they never show up on time. And if my evening wasn't bad enough yet, it started raining.

First Harry who keeps talking to my then my bus isn't showing up and now it starts to rain! I can't go home in this weather.

So tried calling my mom but she doesn't pick up, she's probably still at work.

And to add another bad thing to my day, as if I asked for it. A black car stops in front of me. Of fucking course it's the one and only...

Harry Styles.

First chapter is done!!!
Hope you liked it.
Do you prefer long or short chapters? Let me know so I can work on that.


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