Part 5.

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It was the end of the week.


The day I was dreading to come.
My date with Harry.

I really didn't want to go. Even more than before. I saw Harry flirting multiple times with girls AND guys. The slightest special I felt is completely gone. He never saw me when he was flirting though. He probably didn't know I knew.

So when Friday came I was really annoyed. I was thinking of possible ways to cancel, so I texted him.

[5:30pm]: I'm sick, I won't be able to join you to the museum.

Not even 5 minutes later I got an answer.

Asshole [5:35pm]: Stop lying Louis. I saw you in school today, you looked completely fine.


[5:36pm]: I did feel fine at school, but when I got home I started feeling sick.

Asshole [5:36pm]: Don't play with me princess. I'll be there in half an hour.

Shit. Shit. Shit. I don't want to go, but it looks like I don't have a choice. So I started to get ready. I was wearing a light green skirt with a white vintage nike sweater and white toms.

Before I knew it I heard the bell ring. I opened the door and there he was. The asshole.

"You look beautiful princess"

"Thanks. Let get this over with". I just wanted this to be a quick date so I don't have to talk to him ever again.

"Don't be so bitter princess, you won't get rid of me so fast". I sighed and got into his car.

"Did you eat already?"

"No, not yet"

"Good, we'll grab some food first if that's alright with you"

"Whatever Harry"

Harry pulled the car aside and turned it off.

"Stop acting like that. You said I could have a date with you and AFTER the date I would stop talking to you. So can we have a nice date now please". Harry said with a stern voice. I didn't expect that but he does have a point.

"Alright, i'm sorry. I'll be nice"

"Thank you"

We had some small talk on the way to the food place and once we arrived Harry got out of the car saying I should stay seated. Harry came to my side of the car and opened the door.

"My princess". He gestured with his hand for me to step out of the car like a real gentleman. I giggled.

"Thank you sir". We both laughed at the scene.

We started walking towards the restaurant and held the door open for me. I walked inside, Harry being close behind me. The waitress came to us and asked under which name we had a reservation.

"Styles". Harry said and the waitress lead us to our table. She gave us our menus and winked at Harry when she walked away, but Harry didn't pay attention to it and opened the menu.

"What are you going to get" Harry asked.

"I think i'm just going for a pasta, what are you getting?"

"The steak I think"

The waitress came to our table and asked for or orders, only paying attention to Harry. When Harry ordered she looked at me with an annoying expression on her face. "What do you want kid".

"My boyfriend would like the pasta with chicken please". The waitress gasped a bit and walked away angry.

"Why did you say i'm you're boyfriend!"

"She was flirting with me and treated you like shit. She can't do that" Harry said while taking my hand in his.

"Harry what are you doing?"

"Acting like a couple, although I wish we weren't acting" He said with a smirk.

I just let it slide. His hands are really soft and warm so I don't mind. But don't tell him that.

"So princess, what do you like to do except looking at art"

"I like playing soccer and hanging out with Niall and my sisters"

"How are Fizzy and Lottie doing? Havent seen them in ages" Harry knows them by seeing them sometimes when mom would take them to Anne.

"They're doing good. I actually have two more sisters. Twins"

"There are more?". Harry asked flabbergasted.

"Yes, mom had twins 10 years ago"

"My mom didn't tell me that, I should meet them soon if we stop acting and become real boyfriends". That was smooth.

"Shut up". I did laugh at that.

The waitress brought our food and we started eating. While we were eating we kept talking about our hobby's, family's and friends.

When we finished eating Harry paid the bill and took my hand leading me outside to the car. He was acting really sweet but I knew that I can't let myself fall into this trap.

He opened the door of my car and let me get in before he closed it and went to the other side. He got in and started driving to the museum.

When we arrived he did the same all over again, he opened my door and held the door open to the museum.

After walking around for a bit I realised I was really enjoying this date. Harry knew more about art then I expected. After walking around some more  Harry took my hand in his. I looked at our intertwined hands and looked up at him, he gave me a soft smile.

"This one is so pretty Harry". I was looking at 'The judgement of Paris' by Rubens.

"It is princess, just like you". I blushed, he is being so fucking sweet, how can I not talk to him after this.

We walked around some more. When we finished walking trough the museum we went outside. Harry took his cigarettes out of his pocket and lit one. I don't like people who smoke but he looks hot now.

"I enjoyed this evening with you princess"

"I did too Harry". And I wasn't even lying. Harry was being so nice and genuine. I did enjoy our date. Maybe I didn't want to not talk to him after this date. Maybe he does actually like me.

After Harry threw his cigarette away we walked back to the car and drove to my house. When we arrived Harry opened the door for me and took my hand. He walked with me up to the front door.

"I hope you had a nice evening princess, I for sure did"

"I did Harry, I didn't expect you to be like this". I said while looking down at my shoes.

He pulled my chin up. "What do you mean by that?"

"I don't know, you kind of have a reputation Harry. You flirt with everyone. I even saw you flirting with other people while you were flirting with me". Maybe i'm thinking wrong but it surreally looked like that.

"I wasn't princess, I only want to be with you. Don't worry about those other people".


"Goodnight Princess" He gave me a kiss on the cheek and slowly started to walk away.

"Goodnight Harry"

And with an exciting feeling in my stomach I walked into the house. Maybe he isn't that bad.

Chapter 5!!

Their first date! Should Louis be skeptical or should he trust Harry?

Hope you enjoyed this chapter!

Dearly -X

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