Part 2.

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And to add another bad thing to my day, as if I asked for it. A black car stops in front of me. Of fucking course it's the one and only...

Harry Styles.

Louis POV

What the hell is he doing here. Didn't he bother me enough already?

"C'mon princess, let me give you a ride". He can't be serious right?

"I would rather walk in the pouring rain then getting in that car with you"

"Do you really want to walk in this weather all the way home, your hair will get messed up princess. We wouldn't want that right" Harry said with a smirk.

He does have a point. I really don't want to walk home in the pouring rain, but am I willing to sit in a car with him?

"I'll be fine"

"Don't be so stubborn Louis and just get in the car, you'll get sick"

"Aw Harry, are you worried about my well-being?"

"Well of course princess"

I raised one of my eyebrows. What is this man trying to do. He never talked to me nor even looked at me. Why was he acting so interested in me all of a sudden.

"Go home Harry"

"Louis just get in, i'm just trying to be nice. For real" he said when he saw my sceptical look.

Maybe it's the best to let him give me a ride home, I really don't want to get sick or come home drenched. Or I have to sit in the car with Harry, nice and dry but very annoying or I will get completely drenched. After thinking it trough for a bit, I said...

"Alright then, but don't even try anything, because I will cut your dick off".

"Oh we wouldn't want that happening do we princess, then I wouldn't get the opportunity to treat you like a princess" he smirked while saying that. What. the. actual. fuck.

"Shut it Harry. Just get me home" I said while opening the car and taking a seat.

"Of course princess" Harry started the car and began driving.

"Don't you need my address?"

"I know where you live" he said with this smug look on his face

"Alright, that's kind of scary"

Harry chuckled and started driving to my house. I kept on thinking why he was being this nice to me. He probably was just trying to get me into his bed like he always does.

Once we arrived at my house, I took my bag.

"Thank you for the ride Harry"

"No problem princess"

"I'll see you around then". I went to open the door when he put his hand on my arm and pulled me back.

We were just looking in each others eyes for a moment. Is he really going to kiss me?

"See you around princess" and he kissed my cheek. My mouth fell open. What was that? Why did he kiss my cheek. A little startled, I took my bag once again and opened the door.

"Uh- yea- of course, see you around" I was too stunned to speak.

Harry gave me a smirk and drove away. I was just standing there, still not processing what just happened. Getting out of my trance I walked up to the frond door and let myself in.

I went into the kitchen and grabbed myself a soda and something to snack on. I concluded that I was just letting go of the moment I just had with Harry. He really was just trying to get me into his bed.

Even though I just said I was letting it go, I did want to text Niall about it.

[5:12pm]: Harry just gave me a ride home.

Ni [5:12pm]: He did what? How did this happen Lou?

[5:13pm]: I was waiting at the bus stop, but my bus didn't show up and it started pouring outside. But then Harry showed up in his car and said he wanted to give me a ride home, so he did.

Ni [5:14pm]: OMG he is SO into you Lou. You should totally date him.

He can't be serious.

[5:14pm]: Niall, I don't want to. He's a player.

Ni [5:15pm]: Maybe not. Maybe he actually likes you. Give it a try at least.

[5:15pm]: Stop it Ni. I don't want to.

Ni [5:16pm]: Alright Lou. See you tomorrow.

[5:16pm]: See you tomorrow Ni x

Harry doesn't want me for sure, he only wants to have me in his bed. But maybe he does want me as more as a hookup? No Louis don't get any ideas in your head.

With my mind being occupied by a curly boy with green eyes I started doing my homework. And before I knew it, it was dinner time.

I walked downstairs greeting my mom with a kiss on her cheek and helped her serve dinner. I sat down with the rest of my sisters. We all have a very strong bond with each other. I do love my family.

After dinner I helped my mom clean up and went upstairs to my room. I took a shower and read some in my book.

Currently i'm reading "they both die in the end". It's a sad book. I don't want it to end because I know I will cry. So after reading a couple of chapters I turned of the lights and went to sleep.

What an eventful day.

Chapter 2!!!!

What is Harry trying to do? Does he really want Louis as more than a hookup?

Hope you enjoyed this chapter!

Dearly -X

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