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Louis is a high school sweatheart. He has an amazing personality and the cutest feminine body.

Everyone loves him. Even the teachers. he wouldn't hurt a fly. His grades are very good and he is always present in his classes.
He has a the sweetest family with 4 sisters and an amazing mom who he loves dearly.

You wouldn't believe it but he loves to play soccer with his mates. His best friend is Niall. He loves hanging out with him. He can be irritating (but don't tell him that Louis said that).

Harry is the highschool bad boy. He doesn't give a single fuck about anything or anyone. He likes to fool around, smoke and drink. He doesn't go to school everyday and only hangs out with his friends.

He never falls in love. Sure he likes to fool around, but he doesn't commit to anyone.

But what happens when this blue eyed boy comes into his live.

Hi everyone,
This is the start of my new book. This is also my first book in English.
I hope you will like it and enjoy all the drama.
along the story there will be talked about
-smut ;)
If any of these terms are in a chapter I will put a trigger warning.

There are probably a lot of people with similar story's. If so all the credits to them. I'm just trying to write a fun story for everyone to read. I am not trying to steal anybody's ideas.

lots of reading fun.
dearly -X.

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