Conrad Leto × Reader : Omniscient Eyes

Start from the beginning

In a twist of fate, towards the better, you found a blissfully calm life in a village that was situated in the Forbidden Realm; its people were simple, kind, and generous.

Peasants they were indeed, but their generosity exceeded the entirety of nobles in Clover Kingdom with their wealth combined.

You blended among them; you shared their food, their clothes, their habits, their lifestyle, their joys and harships.

And it did not fail to bring you a sense of liberty after the tragic events that had proceeded this life.

Then it happened.

A hooded figure knocked on your door at night. You were not sure who would pay you a visit at the wee hours of night, but considering your past in battlefield and refine skills, you did not hesitate to answer the door.

"Hello-" You started, but you froze in place; not because you recognized the hidden face under the hood, but because you figured who it was from his mana.

"Hello, (Y/n)." His deep voice uttered your name in that way that always fluttered your heart.

"H-How?" Your eyes were wide in disbelief. It cannot mean that Julius had-

"It's a long story." Conrad stared at you from under the shadows of his hood. A breath of wind whistled by and danced with your hair as both of you were engulfed in silence.

You were in a complete loss of words.

"I can see from your eyes that you don't believe that it is really me, but I assure you, I am here." He took a few steps towards you, but you quickly backed away.

"You have to leave before anyone spots you." You averted your eyes once again as you spoke to him, hoping that he would not notice the battle your eyes fought to keep the tears at bay.

"We need to talk-"

"No, we don't. You have to leave." You demanded. Yet, he moved too quickly for you to comprehend and held your chin between his index and thumb. His face was inches away from yours and you could feel his warm breath hit the side of your face.

"There are three other companions of mine that are scattered around the village. One signal from me and the village will burn to ashes." He pressed his cheek to yours and spoke near to your ear in a low voice.

The people of the village treated you with nothing but kindness and affection. You could not repay their goodness with death because you refused to talk to Conrad.

You gulped down your frustration and nodded slowly. Conrad let go of your chin and stared at your eyes in that manner that you knew was his attempts to read your mind.

But you quickly avoided his gaze and beckoned him inside. He followed suit and closed the door behind him.

You sat on the chair whilst he settled on the coach. Your eyes moved to gaze at the fire that crackled in its spot. You found it strangely relevant to how your heart was feeling: burning, dry, and sharp.

"I still remember the first time we met." His words that were wrapped in a coat of warmth and longing surprised you. And instead of locking eye contact with you, his eyes lingered in the ring that you still wore.

You were a commoner in the capital and he was a magic knight at the time. He saved you from some burglars that had more intention that to just rob you, but you put up a strong fight and defended yourself till he showed up.

He recognized your innate talents in combat and took you to become a magic knight. And as both of you ascended the ladder of magic knights, your mutual love for one another flourished, and then blossomed into a marriage that sealed your souls into one.

However, such story had its own hardships, from the lethal dangers of grand missions you had to participate in, to the envy, hatred, and loath that your royal comrades aimed at both of you.

And their resentment only grew stronger when Conrad was made Wizard King, and you his personal advisor.

"Join me, (Y/n). I promise you that the world we will create together is one where each individual respects another, where everyone is laughing in happiness, where sadness knows no home." He tried to persuade you like he did a decade ago.

"You cannot call it a world where happiness is everlasting when thousands of lives are annihilated at your command, when deem them worthy of living or not." You retorted.

"They are mainly royals who stain this world with their filth. They do not care for anything in the world but their wealth, and those who hinder the existence of such world will join them." Your eyes avoided his once again as you looked down to stare at your fidgeting digits. Conrad leaned forward from his seat to place his hand on yours.

The touch brought an electric wave down your spine, and your toes curled in response.

"I'm doing this to protect you," he spoke with incredible gentleness, "you were and are always my priority."

"No, Conrad," Tears stormed down your eyes as you shook your head, "I stopped being your priority when you decided that your plans for a better world were worth the perishing of innocent lives." Your quiet voice answered.

In a blink of an eye, the warmth of his hand disappeared and cold hit the spot in a chilling breeze. Tears huddled in the corners in your eyes as steps thundered towards your door.

And with a slam of the door that rumbled both the walls and your heart, you did not bother to wipe the streaming tears that fell to no end.

.  .  .  🌼  .  .  .

Hey guys!

Oh my God, I'm overwhelmed by all the recent support the book has received. You truly make my heart flutter! Thank you all so much for the motivation you gave me to pursue these stories.

As always, if you have enjoyed your time reading this request, please do leave a vote and a comment, it would mean a lot to me!

Stay safe and lots of love to y'all!

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