Neha and Jaksh leave..

Jaideep : Don't know where both my sons are missing.

Suyash himself : Sons.. HuH... Have he ever treated them like sons?

Komal Holding Suyash's hand, low tone : Suyash calm down... Now is not the time to talk about all this.

Then suddenly Tima : Mom Dad...

Jaideep : What happened?

Tina goes without saying anything and turns on the TV in the hall. Everyone goes after Tina.

Breaking news was playing on TV.

Breaking news

(Tavish Singhania's return after about a month.)

Everyone gets shocked on seeing this news.

Sheetal shocked : Tavish Zinda hai.

Komal looking at sheetal : Use to Zinda hona hi tha.

Sheetal doesn't say anything.


On the other side there was a magnificent stage. There were many chairs in front. On which the reporter of every media house was sitting. A long table was placed on the stage. Where some things were kept. Many bodyguards were standing all around. Who had guns.
All this was going on live.



Tina : I think Tavish Bro is about to enter.

Suyash happily : Of course, Ab King ki entry to aise hi hogi.

Jaideep and Sheetal stare at Suyyash after listening to him.

Suyash making an innocent face : Did I say something wrong??

Tina looking at TV : No Chachu. You said absolutely right. Tavish Bro, will come just like that.

Sheetal Staring at Tina, in her mind : Ye meri hi beti hai na?.. But Tavish's name is always on her tongue.

All the reporters started talking.

Then a Bugatti Le Voiture Noire stops near the stage.

Then a Bugatti Le Voiture Noire stops near the stage

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

Seeing the car, there is peace for a few moments.

Only then the gate opens. And Tavish comes out.
On seeing Tavish, everyone starts recording his videos and taking photos.

Tavish wore a black suit. Goggles on the eyes. Antique watch in hand. Black leather shoes. Tavish was looking very handsome.

Suyash watching TV : Wah.. Aa gaya King.

" A Mysterious Mafia And His Wife "21+Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ