Chapter 16: Still Unsure

Start from the beginning

—Do you know how to break the seal? – I asked, not believing Alice's words.

—No, but I'll ask Julia; she knows about these things.

—Julia? Our Julia? – I questioned.

Alice nodded—. I'll be with her when she opens the folders so she won't see the files.

—Our Julia? – I heard Jaemin mumble, causing me to grin slightly.

I turned to look at Jaemin before subtly smiling at him—. Julia Fraser is one of our mutual friends. She's from the Political Science faculty.

—Oh, is she? Then, I think your friend can help us – Jaemin said while looking like he got lost in his thoughts.

—You'll see she will – I softly told Jaemin before patting his head.

My actions immediately captured my friends' attention, but Jaemin didn't look like he cared. After all, I believe he's still dealing with too much to give attention to anything else.

—Well. The scheme is designated. Now, we only have to go to the mysterious apartment – I mentioned while looking at the team, snapping everyone out of their shocked states.

—Oh, yeah! Sure—sure – Renjun nervously answered.

—What about tomorrow? Perhaps we can go after our schedule – Haechan suggested while trying to ignore what happened with Jaemin.

—Right. I believe it'll be better if we hurry up; I heard the institute is investigating the matter quicker than before – Jaemin said before releasing a long sigh—. The meeting's over. You'd better go before it gets dark.

Everyone agreed with Jaemin; hence, they began packing up their stuff before saying goodbye to Jaemin. I also started to save all the files inside my leather bag. But as I did, Renjun approached my side.

—Jeno, I believe you must stay with Jaemin – Renjun spoke to me before looking at Jaemin behind us—. He's not looking well.

—You've noticed too, didn't you? – I questioned before taking a deep breath, and then I closed the bag's zipper—. What do you want me to do when I stay with him?

—I don't know; perhaps you can talk to Jaemin and ask him about his issues.

—Why do you think he'll open up to me?

—Jaemin let you stay close to him today; therefore, I believe he trusts you.

After analyzing Renjun's words, I nodded and accepted his suggestion. He smiled back at me before thanking me, and then he left beside Alice and Haechan. Everyone said goodbye before closing the door; however, when they did, Jaemin immediately took a deep breath and looked up at the ceiling. Briefly, he turned around and realized I was still there with him.

—Why didn't you go? – Jaemin asked, confused.

—I thought you could need some company – I answered while walking toward him.

—Did someone ask you to stay?


—Oh! I should've guessed that – Jaemin spoke before looking at the blackboard with all the pinned clues.

—The team saw you, Jaemin. They know you are unwell, and I can tell even though you try to hide it – I sincerely said without filter, only wanting Jaemin to understand everyone's worries.

—Anyone has bad days; I bet our team understands – Jaemin merely responded while averting his glance from me.

—No, no one knows but you – I pointed out, causing Jaemin to clench his jaw, and then he looked at me, upset.

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