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CARLO LEADS THE TWO YOUNG WOMEN UP THE SCHOOL STAIRS. The group of girls from earlier watch as Carlo leads them upstairs. He takes her to a room she shares with some other girls.

"There are clothes on the bed. Get changed and wait here." Carlo orders them.

"Blimey. This is private education, then?" Amy questions as she looks around the opulent room.

All the other girls leave but one. Sam and Amy share a look before turning to look at her.

"Hey. Hello. I'm Amy. That's Sam. What's your name?" Amy questions her as Sam sits down on the other side.

"Isabella." The young girl responds, Sam rushes over and put her hands on Isabella shoulders.

"Listen, we're going to get you out of here, but I need you to tell me what's going on. What is this place? What are they doing?" Sam questions her.

"They, um... they come at night. They gather around my bed and they take me to a room... with this green light and a chair with... with straps, as if for a surgeon." Isabella explains.

"What happens in there?" Amy questions her.

"I wake up here. And the sunlight burns my skin like candle wax." Isabella states, making Sam and Amy share a look.

As a bell tolls from somewhere within the building, Sam and Amy to look around warily. The two nod at each other as they wait around for Isabella to sleep.

Dressed in a white gown and carrying a lamp, both women make their way downstairs to try and find the room Isabella mentioned. There's a very small part of Sam that wants to say no to the plan and leave, yet she knows that she hasn't come this far too flee.

As they pass through one of the chambers, they both don't notice the skeletal hand sticking out from a wooden chest. Amy goes to the well in the center of the courtyard, sets down the lamp, and releases the bar locking the grate. As soon as Amy is done, she takes the lamp from Sam's hand and they begin to head back inside and nearly walks into Carlo.

They shriek causing Amy to drop the lamp. Amy gasps as Carlo forces her and Sam down the stairs. "Ow." Sam groans.

"Control yourself, children." Carlo snarls.

The Signora, Francesco and some of the girls are waiting in the chamber. "Get your hands off us." Amy snaps as Sam is pushed into Francesco's hands.

"Psychic paper. Did you really think that would work on me?" The older woman questions to the two.

There is a hum of power as the chamber is bathed in a green light, Amy looks about her nervously. Sam shivers as she feels Francesco's breath in her ear.

The Signira circles around Amy and Sam as Carlo and Francesco holds them tightly. "Where are you from? Did you fall through the chasm?" Signora questions.

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