"Haz, can I ask you something?"

"Sure princess"

Here we go.

"So yesterday... you and zayn acted kind of strange. Why was that?

"What do you mean strange?"

"Well, you guys kept exchanging these weird looks with each other"

"Ooh princess, are you really worried about that? It was nothing. Zayn and I just had a word before we went out to eat and I thought everything was back to normal but apparently not"

"Oh- okay, that makes sense"

A silence fell, but I still had to ask about the whole boyfriend thing.

"Can I ask you one more thing?"

"Sure" He said will putting a strawberry into his mouth.

"So also yesterday, you- ehm- kind of reacted weird when Zayn asked if we wanted to be boyfriends, And I just thought maybe you don't want to be my boyfriend and this is all just a joke to you" I rambled, I was really scared for his answer.

Harry had a shocked look on his face for just a second but recovered fast from it.

"Princess, I just said that because I don't want to rush things. You know, I want to take it slow and make you feel comfortable, I want you to trust me. Don't overthink everything I say, that's not good for your pretty little head" He laughed.

"Okay, now everything is clear. I won't overthink anymore"

"Good, you're the only one I want". Harry said, he looked into my eyes and came closer. He grabbed my chin and slightly pulled it towards him, causing only a little gap between our faces. After staring in each others eyes for a minute, Harry closed the gap and kissed me.

It's like the world went quiet, the only noice being the birds chirping and the sound of the water. The kiss was perfect. His lips are so soft and he was so gentle. Harry moved his hand from my chin up to my cheek and pulled me even closer, deepening the kiss. The only thing I was thinking about was us and this moment.

After a couple of minutes Harry pulled away but he still kept a little to no distance between our faces. 

"You're gorgeous princess"

I just blushed, not being able to say anything. Harry noticed my loss for words and kissed me again. 

Harry Styles, you're not making it easy to not fall for you.

We stayed at the park for a little bit more. After we kissed we laid down on the blanket and we cuddled, with some kisses in between. Because fall is around the corner I started getting cold, Harry was so sweet to give me his jacket he brought in case. It was a little bit big on my but I thought it was perfect. 

After a while it was getting darker so it was time to go home. We cleaned up our mess and started walking to the car. As always Harry helped me get into the car and drove me home. When we arrived at my house he walked me up to my front door.

"I had an amazing time Harry" I blushed, this was the most perfect date i've ever had.

"Me too princess, can't wait for the next date".

"Me neither". Harry stepped closer to me and wrapped his arms around my waist. I put my hands around his neck and gazed into his eyes, they were so pretty. He came closer to me and kissed me. I can't get enough of this feeling.

"Goodnight princess" He stepped away and walked towards his car. He got into his car gave me a small wave and drove away. And I stood there, lost into my thoughts....

About a certain curly haired boy.


Chapter 8!

They finally kissed! I couldn't wait to write this chapter so here you go, I hope you enjoyed it.

This chapter is a bit longer than the other ones, which one do you prefer? Longer or shorter, let me know in the comments.

Dearly -X


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