Chapter 40: The summer party

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It was a hot day at Ultra planeptune where we see Y/n, Plutia, Ultra IF and Ultra Compa were at their balcony where a pool is ready as Ultra IF and Ultra Compa jump in with a splash as they laugh for joy while Plutia climb into the pool and once she is in she smiled in joy while she said.

Plutia: (smile) The water feels soo cool.

Y/n: (smile) I'm glad you have a pool here for this summer party.

Plutia: (smile) Yep and it's very nice in warm weather's like this one. Say, when do you think everyone will show up?

Y/n: (smile) I think Ultra Vert, Ultra Noire and Ultra Blanc are gonna be here soon with some snacks and some meat to cook for the BBQ. At the meantime let's set up the grill.

Ultra IF: (smile) This BBQ is going to be great! Just imagine the delicious food we can eat.

Ultra Compa: (smile) This is going to be fun.

Y/n smiled as he walk over to the grill and turns it on. He waits for it to heat up while Ultra IF qnd Ultra Compa splash around, laughing and having fun as the grill is heated up perfectly and then Ultra Histoire came out and seeing everyone enjoying themselves as she came up to Y/n and tells him.

Ultra Histoire: How about you go and have some fun while I'll keep an eye on the grill?

Y/n: Your sure? No offence but your size maybe a problem.

Ultra Histoire: Oh please I'll be fine. Now you go and have some fun while I'll take things from here.

Y/n: Okay then Ultra Histoire.

He took off his shirt as we see him wearing just his swimming shorts as he jump into the pool, splashing into the cool waters feels good for Y/n as he came out of the water as he take a deep breath as he lay on the water and facing up the sky as he let the water float him around as he enjoys himself.

Then he bump his head made contact with something as he sat up straight and turns around to see Iris Heart as she gives him a smirk as she ask him.

Then he bump his head made contact with something as he sat up straight and turns around to see Iris Heart as she gives him a smirk as she ask him

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Iris Heart: (giggle) Enjoying your relaxment I see~hehehe.

Y/n: (light chuckle) Guess so, I can say the same to you as well.

Iris Heart let out a giggle and then came up close to him, wrapping her arms around him with her breast pressed against his chest as tells him.

Iris Heart: Your very hot disbite being in the cool waters but I love it about you.

Y/n just smiled as the two kissed as they wrap their arms around his each as they kissed for a minute before they stop and look at each other.

???: I suppose we interrupted something here?

They turn to see the rest of the Ultra Goddess there with bags of snacks and meat for the grill as Iris Heart hugged Y/n while she smirked and said.

Iris Heart: (smirk) We were just playing around. That's all.

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