Chapter 23: A Creeper situation

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At the open grass feild we see Red Heart leaping explosions as he junos back, trying to get away from each explosion that comes at his way. Soon the explosion stops as Red Heart slide back with his feet and looks up to see nothing but smoke but then Blue Heart burst out from the smoke and was about to land a punch at him but Red Heart ducks down as Blue Heart's fist gose above him as Red Heart is down.

Once that Blue Heart stops and turn to Red Heart while Red Heart turns to face Blue Heart as he gets into his fighting stands.

Blue Heart: Been a long while since we fought. Must say, it impress how skilled you are since the last time we met.

Red Heart: What can I say? Been training for a long while.

Blue Heart: Same here!

Blue Heart charge towards Red Heart and throws his fist for a punch but Red Heart blocks it and blocks more punches from Blue Heart while he returns back with some blows at Blue Heart as well.

Then he leaps over Blue Heart and lands behind him while Blue Heart turns around to face him but Red Heart immediately spone around and swing a kick at Blue Heart in the face and then he lands a powerful punch at his chest which slide Blue Heart back far. Then he slammed onto a tree as he breaths heavily whipe he looks up at Red Heart while he looks back at Blue Heart.

Blue Heart: We end this fight here but I'll be back and I'll be stronger. Just you wait and see.

Then he leaps up and he flies off while Red Heart watch him go. He breath in a sigh while he change back to his human form as he sigh once more. Then his phone start to ring which he pulls out his phone and answers it.

Y/n: Hello~? This is Red Heart speaking.

Uni: (phone) Hey Y/n! Sorry to bother you but are you busy?

Y/n: Nope. Actually I was just done so what's happening?

Uni: (phone) Can you come by to Laststion and help us out with something.

Y/n: Ah so I guess Noire change her mind about those Sentinel Corporation soldiers? Don't worry I'll be there and-

Uni: (phone) It's not that. You see....someone has sent some links of her embarrassing pictures online and we could use your help with this.

Y/n: (smile) Sure thing. I'll be there right away.

Uni: (phone) Thanks Y/n, see you there.

The call ends as Y/n slide his phone into his pocket and turn to head to his car while he thinks to himself.

Y/n: (thought) Wonder how something break pass Noire's security system? Either this person must be lucky or very smart. Either way, let's see if there is anything I can do.

He enter inside his car and once inside and start up the engines he suddenly got an idea.

Y/n: (thought) Wait a minute! I think I know on person who can help Noire out with this hacker online. I can pick him up at Planeptune and head to Laststion as soon as possible.

He start off his car and drives off back to Planeptune to pick up someone and then head to Laststion.


At Laststion we see Noire in her office having her head on the table as she feels embarrassed for the links that were sent on the internet while Uni tries to cheer her up by giving her some black coffee as she set on the table.

Noire: Thanks Uni.

Uni: (smile) No problem sis.

She takes the black coffee and takes a drink when the elevator doors open and they turn to see Y/n and Mark step into Noire's office and walk up to her desk.

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