Chapter 35: The Alola world (Arc 4)

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On Melemele Island, we see the adults laying around doing nothing while the children were running about, playing while some try to wake up their parents so they can do something but nothing was working. We then see a van that sells buns and other sweets as we see Meowth and Wobbuffet seeing all the adults not coming over to theie van and buying something.

Meowth: Huh is it me or are these adults ain't doing anything?

Wobbuffet: Wobbuffet.

Meowth: (smirk) Maybe this is a perfect time to capture some pokemon and get out of here. Hey, Jessie, James, let's steal some pokemon!

They were inside the van and not doing anything as they yawn ane laying around inside the van.

James: I'm not in the mood of stealing pokemon right now.

Jessie: (yawn) Yeah, can we do it tomorrow or something?

Meowth: What is wrong with you two, we got work to do!

Suddenly they heard something and look up and they noticed something falling and seconds later it landed on impact as both Wobbuffet and Meowth hold on. Soon they watched as Red Heart slowly get up and turn his head to the two and said.

Red Heart: Yo. Sorry but best you get out of here before things might get messy.

Meowth: (shocked) No need to tell us twice! LET'S GET OUT OF HERE!

Wobbuffet: (shocked) WOBBUFFET!

They hope into the van and they speed off as Red Heart suddenly realised something.

Red Heart: Did that pokemon just spoke!?

Suddenly he was hit by Arfoire as he was sent flying and soon crash into the street and slide onto the floor until he stop. He slowly get  up and look up to see Arfoire landing across from him as Red Heart gets up and said.

Red Heart: Seems like you've gone stronger since the last time we met.

Arfoire: (smirk) Indeed and this time you will not stop me and my plan. Soon I'll take over both worlds and no one will not stop me!

Purple Heart: Hate to break it you but that's not gonna happen!

Purple Heart came to strike at Arfoire but she turned around and block the incoming strike. Then she grabs Purple Heart and tosses her towards Red Heart which he catches her and then both White Heart, Green Heart and Black Heart fly over to her and they battle her. They strike their blows at Arfoire but she blocks the incoming strikes and then flies over them, landing behind them and then fired a blast that sent the trio flying towards Red Heart and Purple Heart.

They land in front of them and get up while Arfoire smirks at them as she swings her spear towards them.

White Heart: This is getting ridiculous! She's too strong.

Red Heart: She maybe strong but we're stronger. We can overwhelm her and take her down.

Green Heart: Agree, we can't allow her take over both worlds.

Black Heart: Right, let's do this!

Purple Heart: (smirk) We won't let this world fall by the likes of you Arfoire.

Then Arfoire starts to chuckle to herself and then tells them.

Arfoire: (smirk) Oh please, even if you defeated me my creature will rip both worlds apart and everyone you ever care for will be gone!

She rushes towards them while they were ready for hee when suddenly a shell hits Arfoire in the guts and sent hee flying as she hits the floor. They were surprised as the shell open to reveal a pokemon as he turn to them.

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