Chapter 22: Flast chest matters!

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We see Y/n at the guild within Planeptune as he look through the jobs looking for one to pick out. The other guild members were walking about chatting or having drinks after a successful job being complete while Y/n stood in front t or the Job board and looking for a job.

Y/n: (thought) Damn so many jobs to take and I have no idea which one to pick. Too bad IF and Compa were already away on their own jobs. It be fun if the trio can take on a job together, but guess I needed to do some jobs on my own then.

He looks through th jobs and finds one that suit him way. He reach over to grab it but then another hand grab the job which Y/n turn to see a unfamiliar female adventure as she turn to him and then the two immediately let go while the female adventure tells Y/n while she wave her hands in front t of her.

 He reach over to grab it but then another hand grab the job which Y/n turn to see a unfamiliar female adventure as she turn to him and then the two immediately let go while the female adventure tells Y/n while she wave her hands in front t of her

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???: Whoops, sorry about that man, didn't see you there when your picking out a job!

Y/n: Oh no I'm shouting be the one to apologise. I didn't know you were right next to me. Say I've never seen you before, are you new here?

Rily: (smile) Yeah that's right. Names Rily, I'm kinds new here but I know how guilds work.

Y/n: (smile) Sweet. Well my name is Y/n, nice to meet you.

Rily: (surprised) Wait Y/n? As in...Red Heart?

Y/n: (smile) Yep. Surprised?

Rily: (surprised) Very much surprised! Never suspect to meet a male CPU here. No wonder this place is famous.

Y/n: (smile) Yeah can't blame you.

Soon we see the two sat at the cafeteria area as they order some tea while the two talked.

Y/n: So what brings you here?

Rily: Well me and my girlfriend decided to move here and try to live out our new life's. We were getting tired living in the countryside so we decided to move to Planeptune to find new purpose here.

Y/n: (smile) That's cool to hear. So you came here to take on as an adventure?

Rily: (smile) Yep, my girlfriend is gonna try to get a job as a researcher and work along side with the other researchers. She's cute when she gets all excited when she discovered something ancient when we were kids. Although moet stiff are just useless junk but still, cure.

Y/n: (smile) So you two been together ever since you were kids?

Rily: (smile) Yep. Her name was Elena and at first we were best friends but soon our feelings were getting strong and next thing we know, we became a couple. So what about your story? How did you became a CPU?

Y/n: That's a long story but let's just say a brought something and next thing in know, I became a CPU.

Rily: (chuckle) Probably save those stories when ever we have a chance. So what should we do?

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