Chapter 14 - Going back to Windmill Village. I'm Home

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*No one's POV*

Y/N was on a boat, to Windmill Village. She was laying down on the boat, looking at the sky. Y/N thought about Luffy's grinning face, Makino's soft smile, and Dadan and the bandits eating. She smiled at the image.

The journey to Windmill Village. ' Y/N thought. Y/N sat up and looked around for some land. She saw an island close by she went towards it. "I need some food.." she said to herself. She was on the docks and got some money she went to the food store.

She got enough food to last her to the next island. She saw bandits harassing a young women. She put her food on the ground and walk towards the bandits.

"Oi! Stop harassing her!" She said glaring at them.

"Huh?? Who are you to boss me around?!" He said.

"Just a girl passing by.." she said smirking at him.

"You know.. you people disgust me.. Harassing a women.. Even though she's clearly disgusted by you. I mean look at your ugly face." She said smirking.

The man was clearly pissed. Suddenly a man was beside her pointing a gun at her head. She remembered what Shanks said, on windmill village.

"How about you shut up, before I blow your brains out." The man #2 said.

"Now that you drew your gun.. are you planing on using it?" She asked the man didn't see her get a gun on her belt.

"Guns are used for shooting not for threatening." She said pulling the trigger. The man #2 fell dead on the ground.

The leader was pissed that a girl killed one of his men. He charged at her with the other bandits. They attacked her. She suddenly disappeared from their sight.

"Where did she go?!" They yelled looking around. One by one, the bandits fell. The leader got fearful and ran leaving the other bandit.

"You know. Leaving your men, you truly disgust me." She said her voice cold. She aimed for his head, she pulled the trigger. He fell.

The women stood in shock. Y/N saw the women and went towards her.

"Are you alright? I hope I didn't scare you too much." Y/N said concerned.

The women got out of her shock and smiled at the girl.

"Thank you. Thank you for saving me." She said. Y/N nodded.

"Give them a proper burial okay?" She said getting her bags from the ground.

"Even though they were bandits they were still human beings." She said walking away to her boat.

She got ready to leave when the woman she saved came to the docks. "Oh great, your still here." The woman said. She carried something in a bag, and gave it to Y/N. "Here. Here's my thanks for saving me." She said. She took the bag and examined it.

She pulled out a beautiful gun with roses around them chains were connected. "It was my mothers, she died, and wanted me to give it to someone who would use it. It's still in good condition. I think your worthy to have it." She said.

"Are you sure?" Y/N asked.

The woman nodded. "My name is Amelia. My mothers name is Talia." She said Y/N smiled at the women.

"My name is Monkey. D. Y/N." Y/N said nodding at the women.

She put the gun onto her boat. "Thank you, I'll be leaving now." She said waving at Amelia in goodbye.

She again began her journey to Windmill village.

"Almost there, Luffy." Y/N said to herself. It was now night time. Y/N slept peacefully. 2 weeks later, Y/N saw the Windmill Village. She smiled.

'5 years.. 5 years I haven't seen it.' She thought crying a little.

'I missed this.!' She thought. The Village was coming closer.

Y/N was now at the docks of Windmill Village. She took her stuff from the boat. She got out of the boat, and went to Makino's bar. She was now in the front. "Here goes nothing." She said as she took a deep breath. She opened the doors Makino was cleaning the cups she heard the doors open.

"Welcome, what can I do for yo--" she stopped looking at the person.

Y/N smiled at Makino. "I would like a sandwich." Y/N said. Makino dropped the cup she was holding. she put her hands to her mouth. Tears coming out. The chief came in looking worried.

"What's wrong?!" He asked/yelled. He saw Y/N standing there smiling at him. "Y/N.." he said.

"One and only." She said Makino came over to her and hugged her as well as the chief. They cried.

Makino went back behind the bar and made a sandwich for Y/N. As she explained where she was.

"How's Lufffy?" She asked after explaining to them eating her sandwich slowly.

"He's fine. He went back to normal after a year you were gone." Makino answered.

Y/N looked down. "If only I was stronger back then.." she said. Makino and the chief looked at her sadly. "But the past is the past. I'm here now." She said smiling at them. They both smiled at her.

"Why don't you go to Dadan's hut?" Makino said. Y/N nodded. Y/N got ready to her journey to Mt.Corvo.

"I'II see you guys later." Y/N said the villagers already knew Y/N was back and were celebrating. Y/N smiled at them and went to her way to Dadan's hut.

After a bit of walking Dadan's hut came to view. Smiling she walked towards it. She knocked on the door a couple of times. Suddenly the door opened.

"Who the hell do you think you are?!?!" Dadan yelled. Y/N smiled.

"Aw man.. I was hoping you would remember me." Y/N said pouting. Dadan looked down at her shocked.

Y/N walked past her and went inside. Not before taking Dadan's hand pulling her in. The other bandits were sleeping. She got frying pans and hit them together waking them up. "Rise and shine!"
She yelled everyone woke up startled.

They looked towards Y/N and Dadan. Dadan sat on the ground still shocked. Y/N stood beside her.

Everyone sat still shell shocked. The door opened and came out Luffy rubbing his eyes. "What's with all the noise?" He asked sleepily.

Luffy looked at the shocked faces, he followed where they were looking at.

Luffy was shocked. There standing, was his twin, his other half.

"Y/N." Luffy said.

"Luffy." Y/N said smiling sadly.

She looked down, Luffy went towards her with an emotionless face. Y/N looked at him confused, the others watched. Luffy was now standing in front of her.

"Luffy, what's wro-"

she got cut off by Luffy Suddenly crying. "-I thought | would n-never s-see you a-again." He said.

Y/N was a bit shocked. But then smiled little tears coming out. "I'm here.." she said.

"I'm here. I'm not leaving you again. I promise. I'II stay by your side till we die. I promise you that. Luffy." She said hugging him.

"I'm home. I'm back."


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