Chapter 13 - Ace and Y/N. Bonding Time.

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*No one's POV*

After the whole night of talking. Ace and Y/N, slept together like they were kids.

It was now morning. Y/N woke up, she looked at Ace and smiled. 'So it wasn't a dream.. she thought.

Y/N touched Ace's hair. 'Still the same freckles.' she thought. She giggled as she remembered when they were kids and she called him 'Freckles.' When she was mad.

Ace woke up later, and saw Y/N.

"So it wasn't a dream, thank god." He said. Y/N smiled at him.

"Hey, let's have a bonding time. Like when we use to when we were kids." She said grinning at him.

"How we use to fight everyday?" She said again. Ace smiled at her and nodded.

Since they were at an island, they got off the Moby Dick. They were at the beach close to the boat.
"Alright, N/N. I won't go easy on you!" Ace said

Y/N laughed. "I wouldn't expect you too." Y/N said.

They stared at each other waiting for them to move. Wind blowed. Y/N disappeared.

Ace looked around looking for Y/N. Till he felt a hit on his head.

"Gah!" Ace held his head. "The hell?!
Your fists are even stronger then Garps!" He yelled.

Y/N laughed. "I still haven't lost my touch! Of course I trained while I was with Shanks!" Y/N said.

Whitebeard and the crew looked at the siblings fighting. They were both equally powerful, it shocked the crew.

"Seems like Y/N, is more then happy. First time I ever see her truly smile like that." Whitebeard said.

Y/N dodged the attacks Ace sent to her. While Ace did the same. Y/N smiled while she was fighting Ace. 'It brings back memories.' She thought. After a few minutes, Y/N won.

" beat you!" Y/N said smiling. Ace blushed in embarrassment.

"Haha, still the same. You always blush when I beat you Ace." Y/N said as she held her hand towards Ace.

Ace took her hand, and stood up.

"How long are you gonna be in Whitebeards?" He asked.

"I don't know, for a few weeks maybe... I wanna see my twin brother, he probably misses me as much as you missed me." She said. Ace nodded.

Ace grabbed her and cuddle with her. "After you were gone it wasn't the same anymore.. Luffy didn't smile or laugh for weeks, it wasn't as cheerful as before. I think it's better if you go back to Dadan, Luffy and the others. But I wanna spend as much time as I can with you." Ace said hugging her tighter.

Y/N smiled gently at him. "It's okay.. it was hard for me too, don't you know how hard it was for me to stay away from Luffy. It was like my heart couldn't take it, considering how far me and Luffy were. It felt like someone was stabbing me.. I can't imagine what Luffy has gone through. I missed you guys everyday, every minute, every second." She said.

"Let's not talk about the past alright?" She said slapping his cheek gently. He nodded.

Y/N and Ace were laying on the sandy beach. "I met some interesting people, while I was traveling. I met uncle Rayleigh, he was fun to be around." Y/N said.

"Y-You mean, him? He was in--" Ace got cut off. "Yes, him. He was in your dads crew right?" She said smiling at him.

"W-Why did you call him, Uncle?" Ace asked.

"Hmm... I don't know, he's like a family. I guess." Y/N said.

"Anyways I met many people. Mermaids Merman. A lot of them." Y/N said.

Y/N kept going on and on about her adventures, while Ace smiled at her. Listening to every word she was saying.

For the next few weeks Y/N and Ace spend Time together of course Y/N didn't forget Whitebeard. She told him her adventures too. They got closer as when they were kids. Now it was time for departure.

Y/N, was now going to see her twin. Her other half, the one who she's been missing the most. Ace and Y/N said goodbye to each other of course not before Y/N gave Ace a hat. Y/N had told Ace to treasure it.


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